suishi-yama in West Iwate, while the number of earth- kes increased around Onigajo-caldera (Ueki and Miura 2). There was also a dike intrusion around Onigajo- era after the occurrence of the M6.1 earthquake (Sato Hamaguchi 2006), even though seismic activity ually decreased as a whole. In March 1999, a new arole field and dead plants were found close to kura-yama (Doi et al. 2000). The fumarole field rapidly ad for about 2 km in the east-west direction and 0.5 km he north-south direction. The fumaroles released about % H2 O and 3% CO2. in August 1999 (Hirabayashi et al. 6). The activity reached a maximum from January 2000, fumaroles sometimes 300–500 m high. The activity ually declined from the latter half of 2001, and had ost ended in July 2004 (Doi and Saito 2005). mporal changes in the seismic activity and magma ply rate in 1998 shown in the previous section, significant magma ration occurred mainly from February to April, and volcano continued to be inflated after May mainly by spherical pressure source persistent at a shallow depth eath West Iwate. After the M6.1 earthquake in Septem- the volcanic activity gradually decreased. In the present on, we focus on the seismic activity and magma supply before the M6.1 earthquake to understand the mag- magma supply rates obtained for the dike intruded beneath 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month in 1998 0 0 1545 40 3090 80 4636 120 6181 160 7727 200 Cumulative Number Daily Number 1 2 3 4 0 0 218 40 436 80 654 120 872 160 1090 200 Cumulative Number Daily Number Month in 1998 a b 0.53 5.3 15.8 10.8 15.5 Fig. 2 Cumulative and daily numbers of volcanic earthquakes. a From January to December. b From January to April. The numbers in (b) represent the earthquake occurrence rates per day Bull Volcanol (2011) 73:133–142 shallow parts beneath from Onigajo-caldera to Ubakura-yama; (2) from May, a spherical pressure source that expanded at shallow parts beneath Mitsuishi-yama was dominant. Both papers also showed that the volcanic pressure source locations are well correlated spatially and temporally with the hypo- centers, and the authors suggest that the volcanic earthquakes occurred associated with dike intrusions and spherical pressure source activity at shallow parts. The time sequence of the 1998 activity of Iwate volcano is divided into four periods below. We briefly summarize the activity. Before 1998 Volcanic tremor at depths of 8–10 km was first detected beneath East Iwate in September 1995 (Ueki et al. 1996). After that, low-frequency earthquakes and tremor beneath East Iwate were frequently observed. From June 1996, high frequency earthquakes occurred at shallow depths (< 2 km) beneath the summit and flanks of the volcano, and this activity continued until the end of 1997 (Ueki and Miura 2002). From January to April in 1998 In February 1998, minor volcano inflation of up to 0.1 micro radian per month at the foot of the volcano was observed and shallow volcanic earthquakes occurred (Sato and Hamaguchi 2006). Activity of deep and intermediate-depth low-frequency seismic events likely preceded the shallow volcano-tectonic earthquake activity (Nakamichi et al. 2003). Volcano-tectonic earthquakes and low-frequency earthquakes as well as very- long-period seismic events at shallow depths were observed (Nishimura et al. 2000a; Tanaka et al. 2002a). In the middle of March, a shallow seismic swarm was observed, and at the end of April, more than 100 earthquakes occurred in 1 h (Ueki and Miura 2002). There were dike intrusions at a shallow depth beneath Onigajo-caldera from February to April (Sato and Hamaguchi 2006). From May to September 2 in 1998 Seismic activity was high from May to July with intense -3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Depth (km) Dike opening (cm) 0 10 20 30 140 55' 141 00' 140 55' 141 00' 39 48' 39 51' 39 54' 5 km Yk Kr Ub In Oh Mi Onigajo Caldera 2.4 4.0 5.0 6.06.5 Vp (km/s) VLP Yk Kr Ub In Oh Mi ANS YKB GNB MTK 39 45' Circles: Volcano-tetconic EQs Stars: Low-frequency EQs Red: Very-low-frequency EQs Nishimura & Ueki (Bull. Volcanol., 2011) Fig. 4. The strains at the two stations fluctuate in 1997 with amplitude of 0.1–0.2 micro strain, and then increase to 0.5– 0.7 micro strains from February to April in 1998. The strains also show slightly accelerated changes. To quantify the accelerated changes in the strain data, we extract the strain data at the two stations for phase A (Feb. 14–Mar. 12) and those for phase C (Mar.19–Apr.22), during which dikes intruded into shallow parts from deep regions. We normalize the amplitude and lapse time of strain data by the maximum amplitude and the total length of each phase, respectively, and plot them on a logarithmic scale (Fig. 5). It is found that the strain amplitudes at the two stations for both phases A and C are almost proportional to the square of the time for the normalized time t’ close to 1. The strain at YKB see ANS, and temporal ch discuss the have affect To unde nized in Fi for two ma ascent with This is a c surrounding for ascent growth mo density and that possib become hig cally calcu flow and ga simply exam ascent proc characterize regimes, bu parts to sha is small) t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1997 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Strain x 10 -7 1 2 3 4 1998 ANS YKB 4.0 6.0 8.0 train x 10 -7 a b phase A phase A phase C 0 Fig. 5 Logar data at YKB periods (phas respectively