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A Method to Develop Description Logic Ontologie...

Yuri Malheiros
September 24, 2013

A Method to Develop Description Logic Ontologies Iteratively Based on Competency Questions: an Implementation

Paper presented on Ontobras - 2013

Yuri Malheiros

September 24, 2013

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  1. A Method to Develop Description Lo ic Ontolo ies Iteratively

    Based on Competency Questions: an Implementation Yuri Malheiros and Fred Freitas (CIn - UFPE) (DCE - UFPB - Campus IV)
  2. The methodolo ies are sli htly di erent, but share

    common features. For example, iterative way of development and the use of competency questions
  3. Includin axioms is a somewhat complex task, and most DL

    ontolo ies don’t include them! But, they are the core of DL ontolo ies
  4. We are creatin a method and a implementation that reasons

    over Description Lo ic competency questions to build or evolve an ontolo y in an iterative way
  5. The ontolo y needs more axioms to answer the competency

    question correctly. Then, the system should ask the user.
  6. The process 1. Load an ontolo y 2. Write a

    CQ and define the expected answer 3. Does the current DL ontolo y answers the question? If so, the system shows that the CQ is satisfied and it returns to step 2. 4. However, if the system cannot answer the CQ, it enerates a question for the user and asks for the answer to it. 5. The user answer the system’s question. 6. Return to the step 3
  7. The system has three components: - Natural lan ua e

    query - Question enerator - Ontolo y builder
  8. Natural lan ua e query It processes natural lan ua

    e competency questions and make queries
  9. is red wine a wine ? 2. apply a POS

    ta er vbz jj nn dt nn
  10. 3. check the rules Is-a question: is (Noun|Adjective|Number)+ (a|an) (Noun|Adjective|Number)+

    Property value question: (does|do) (Noun|Adjective|Number)+ have Noun (Noun|Adjective|Number)+ (does|do) (Noun|Adjective|Number)+ Verb (Noun|Adjective|Number)+ Existence question: which (Noun|Adjective|Number)+ exist which (Noun|Adjective|Number)+ have (Noun|Verb) (some|only)? (Noun| Adjective|Number)+
  11. The component runs the HermiT reasoner and uses OWL API

    to retrieve the answer 5. search for the answer
  12. Question enerator This component is still bein studied, since it

    represents a new description lo ics problem
  13. Question enerator Currently, we are assumin that an oracle for

    that problem exists. Then, the user provides the questions.
  14. Ontolo y builder Add new axioms to an ontolo y

    combinin a system’s question and an answer automatically
  15. Is-a system’s question: Example: Is red wine a wine? Answers:

    Yes, no, true or false Axiom: RedWine ⊑ Wine
  16. Property value system’s question: Examples: Does bancroft chardonnay have only

    color white? Do birds eat rass? Answers: Yes, no, true or false Axioms: BancrofChardonnay ⊑ ∀hasColor.White Bird ⊑ ∃eat.Grass
  17. Existence system’s question: Examples: Which wines exist? Answers: A list

    of classes separated by commas or “and”. For example, “red wine, white wine”. Axioms: RedWine ⊑ Wine WhiteWine ⊑ Wine
  18. We tested the natural lan ua e query component usin

    three ontolo ies: - wine.owl - pizza.owl - travel.owl
  19. wine.owl which red wines exist? Beaujolais, CabernetFranc, CabernetSauvi non, Chianti,

    CotesDOr, DryRedWine, Mar aux, Medoc, Merita e, Merlot, Pauillac, PetiteSyrah, PinotNoir, Port, RedBordeaux, RedBur undy, RedTableWine, StEmilion, and Zinfandel which wines have su ar sweet? IceWine, LateHarvest, Port, Sauternes, and SweetRieslin
  20. pizza.owl is napoletana a cheesey pizza? true which spicy pizzas

    exist? AmericanHot, Cajun, CheeseyVe etableToppin , IceCream, PolloAdAstra, and SloppyGiuseppe which meaty pizza has toppin some ham toppin ? Capricciosa, CheeseyVe etableToppin , IceCream, LaReine, Parmense, and Siciliana
  21. travel.owl is yo a an activity? true does four seasons

    have ratin three star ratin ? true which adventures exist? BunjeeJumpin , and Safari which accommodations has ratin one star ratin ? Camp round, and Safari
  22. To test the ontolo y builder component, we created a

    TestWine class in wine.owl, and answered some system’s questions
  23. Question: does test wine have only color white? Answer: true

    Code: Class: vin:TestWine SubClassOf: vin:Wine vin:hasColor only vin:White
  24. Question: which test wines exist? Answer: red wine Code: Class:

    vin:RedWine EquivalentTo: vin:Wine and (vin:hasColor value vin:Red) SubClassOf: vin:TestWine
  25. We developed a method and (partially) implemented a system to

    support a novel process for terminolo ical DL ontolo y buildin (TBox)
  26. We have two components runnin : natural lan ua e

    query and ontolo y builder. Naturally, both need improvements: more complex CQs, more CQ types, etc.
  27. We intend to: Build a complete tool to support this

    type of development, and the tool may be inte rated with popular ontolo y environments like Proté é
  28. We intend to: Study the decidability and complexity of the

    new DL problem for the families of DL lan ua es Controlled tests with lar er ontolo ies for a fair evaluation