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Padrino is a ruby framework built upon the Sinatra web library.

Stoyan Zhekov

June 25, 2013

More Decks by Stoyan Zhekov

Other Decks in Programming


  1. def ca# ( env ) env {} [ status ,

    { headers } , [body] ] Rack = HTTP model
  2. Missing pieces • Generators - Gemfile, config.ru etc. • Helpers

    - link_to(), image_tag() • Mailer • Admin interface - a.l.a Django ͚͍ܽͯΔ෦෼
  3. $ padrino g project myproj -s jquery -c sass -e

    erb -d activerecord -a sqlite
  4. $ padrino g project myproj -s jquery -c sass -e

    erb -d activerecord -a sqlite -t rspec -m mocha
  5. Component Default Alias Options ORM none -d activerecord , mongoid

    Renderer haml -e erb,slim Script none -s jquery, prototype Style none -c sass , less , compass Test none -t rspec, bacon Agnostic (ෆՄ஌࿦ऀ)
  6. Many generators • Project generator • Controller generator • Model

    generator • Migration generator •Admin generator
  7. Interesting files • Gemfile - bundle install • config/apps.rb -

    Padrino.mount( ... ).to( ... ) • config/boot.rb - logger , locale • app/app.rb - core application install
  8. Helpers • Tags: input_tag :text, :class => ‘demo’ • Assets:

    stylesheet_link_tag ‘layout’ • Format: escape_html( ) , truncate( ) • Links: link_to ... , :confirm => ‘Are you sure?’
  9. Mailer • Configure: app/app.rb • Generate: $ pd g mailer

    Sample register • [views]/mailers/sample/register.plain.erb • Deliver: deliver(:sample, :register, “foo@bar”) • Tests: set :delivery_method, :test
  10. Dev Friendly • Reloader - disable :reload to stop it

    • Auto load paths - lib/* • $ padrino gen | start | stop | console | rake