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20230311_DevRelCon Yokohama 2023

20230311_DevRelCon Yokohama 2023

This is my presentation in 20230311_DevRelCon Yokohama 2023. Title is "Enhancing each other technologies DevRel tips! ~ An exciting experience as a dual-charged technical mentor in a hackathon ~".

Thank you for graphic materials!

kage-design http://kage-design.com/
human pictogram 2.0 http://pictogram2.com
ICOOON MONO http://icooon-mono.com/
Adobe Stock https://stock.adobe.com/jp


March 11, 2023

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  1. 20230311_DevRelCon Yokohama 2023 Enhancing each other technologies DevRel tips! ~

    An exciting experience as a dual-charged technical mentor in a hackathon ~ Seigo Tanaka
  2. Seigo Tanaka Company Name:1ft-seabass I have been worked front-end Engineer

    since 2004 and made interactive contents using Adobe FLASH. Recently. I’m based on front-end technology. I’m going to be related to information and user-interface gradually. ex. IoT , Mixed Reality and AI...
  3. Seigo Tanaka Name:1ft-seabass Additionally, I got awards as IBM Champion

    and Microsoft MVP ( Windows Development ). These days I’m involved in DevRel to make connections with outside.
  4. Recently I got a nice experience about dual technical mentor

    such as IoT and low-code tool. IoT Low-code tool
  5. I talk two enhancing each other technologies DevRel tips! •

    A technical mentor's essential point is showing creative technical collaboration for developers! • Making like this creative DevRel action grows positive results!
  6. This hackathon target IoT device is M5Stack! It's one of

    the famous hobby IoT devices in Japan! pressed A

  7. I made some documents such as hands-on senario and tech

    support for developers who are joining this event. https://1ft-seabass.github.io/ma-m5stack-handson-202210/
  8. Enebular enables each technologies with GUI and technology block named

    "node" connect easier. This flow connect to birds nice photos API inner shiba API. And getting image data display workspace!
  9. I made some documents such as hands-on senario and tech

    support for developers who are joining this event. https://1ft-seabass.github.io/ma-enebular-handson-202210/08-cloud-line-bot.html
  10. This Hackathon has LINE as chat tool technologies. Of course,

    I delivered like this collaboration sample. It's parotting back chat bot sample by low-code tool and LINE.
  11. Stepping up to two technology collaborations. And then be more

    creative and have multiple technology collaboration! I just had IoT and Low-code tool dual technical mentoring. So it was move easy. IoT Low-code tool
  12. In hackathon, They are a lof of other technologies and

    DevRel person! Today's demo will help developers' creativities to grow! AI Chatbot(LINE) IoT Low-code tool
  13. I talk two enhancing each other technologies DevRel tips! •

    A technical mentor's essential point is showing creative technical collaboration for developers! • Making like this creative DevRel action grows positive results!
  14. Nice creative storm! Reaching collaboration mind in developers! It handles

    dual busy peak in hackathon technical support time. And nice experience for me!
  15. This positive DevRel involvement focused positive using multiple technologies in

    almost hackathon teams. Variety hackathon prototype products! If they touch techinologies even once, they could connect creativity!
  16. Conclusion • This dual technical mentor opportunity made me realize

    each other enhancing technologies again! • Its action is steping up to this hackathon other technologies collaboration. • Like this variety and smooth collaboration enhance the developer's creativity! • It enabled to have a lot of opportunities meeting technologies and DevRel!