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What is 'normal' anyway.

Craig Abbott
October 03, 2017

What is 'normal' anyway.

A talk based on my blog post of the same name: http://www.craigabbott.co.uk/what-is-normal-anyway.

It talks about dealing with mental health and my personal journey.

This talk was delivered at:
- Geek Mental Help Newcastle on 3rd October 2017.

Craig Abbott

October 03, 2017


  1. What is ‘normal’ anyway? 11.8K 192 19.3K 5,840 Craig Abbott

    @abbott567 Interaction Designer at @DWPDigital. Lover of cats and code. David Attenborough is my hero. #Vegan Newcastle upon Tyne
  2. “Cheer up mate.” “What do you have to be down

    about?” “Things can’t be that bad!” @abbott567
  3. My first place of work was not a safe place,

    I was bullied every day for almost a decade. @abbott567
  4. I hated clubbing, it made me anxious but I didn’t

    want to be ‘boring’ @abbott567
  5. Getting wasted helped me escape. I’d just get my brain

    too messed-up to think about anything. @abbott567
  6. I’d find ways to numb what I was feeling, rather

    than actually feeling it. @abbott567
  7. Boys are conditioned to ignore their feelings. And so anger

    became the only way I could express anything. @abbott567
  8. My entire life had been doing stuff because of fear

    and guilt, with zero support. @abbott567
  9. @abbott567 I over analyse everything. I always see how things

    could have been better. How I should have been better.
  10. Attention to detail is the difference between painting a picture

    and a masterpiece. But it’s also the reason why we ruminate. @abbott567
  11. In this industry, it is rare for you to come

    up with anything on your own @abbott567
  12. At the age of 31, I realised I have no

    idea who I am. @abbott567
  13. DWP is the first job I’ve had where I feel

    truly supported. Where I’m encouraged to be individual and to challenge the status quo. @abbott567
  14. “An entire sea of water can’t sink a ship unless

    it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.” - Goi Nasu. @abbott567
  15. If you don’t think you’ve progressed as a person, go

    back 5 years on one of your social media profiles… Then cringe. @abbott567
  16. KTHXBAI Twitter: @abbott567 Email: [email protected] North East Counselling Services: https://www.necounselling.org.uk

    Blog post: http://www.craigabbott.co.uk/what-is-normal-anyway 5 year journal: http://abtt.co/5-year-journal