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Into the cloud, you better fly by sight

Into the cloud, you better fly by sight

One aspect is crucial, when preserving IT value through cloud-friendly migration of legacy applications: Transparency. You need full visibility on the source application landscape, on the migration process, and on the target cloud environment. Without transparency, your effort, time targets and also quality go overboard –- you’ll experience an agonizing blind flight with a high risk of accidents. In the keynote, I will show the most important measures and tools with which you can create the visibility that has proven decisive in our many hundreds of migration projects.

Josef Adersberger

April 13, 2021

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  1. 1. Overrun of costs, efforts, timelines 2. Unexpected severe portability

    issues 3. Wrong technology decisions 4. Lack of security, privacy & compliance 5. ... Things can go terribly wrong on a cloud native journey
  2. 3 A successful cloud migration ❏ In time: All 600+

    web applications migrated to public cloud and in production within 4 years ❏ In budget: no overrun & strong business case generated ❏ Full advantage: All applications security-hardened and modernized to containerized 12-factor-apps, higher availability, more agile teams
  3. It’s all about visibility Source Application Landscape Migration Process Target

    Application Landscape Cloud Native Readiness Check Effort Estimation Cartography (Applications, Dependencies, Technologies) Cloud Cost Optimization Compliance Sign-off Hypercare Observation Migration Controlling Production Readiness Monitoring
  4. Migration Data Warehouse SONARQUBE EAM TOOL OWASP Scanner jQAssistant Establish

    a single source of truth QUESTIONNAIRES STATIC ANALYSIS DYNAMIC ANALYSIS LEANIX Iteraplan XLS JEE Migration Tool Monitoring Tools Inventory Infrastructure 1
  5. 8 Provide rich data analysis and visualization capabilities 2 Migration

    Data Warehouse Business Intelligence Graph Search & Analysis Dashboards & Reports Issue Tracking
  6. 9 Business Intelligence (Tableau) ❏ What technologies are used? ❏

    What libraries are integrated in which version? ❏ What protocols are used? ❏ How much code? ❏ How much over-complex code? ❏ How many code anomalies per LOC? ❏ ...
  7. 10 Graph Search & Analysis (neo4j) ❏ Which deployment units

    contain a specific class? ❏ What deployment units have a transitive dependency to a specific class or library? ❏ What are all code-level dependencies between our applications? ❏ ...
  8. MATCH (app:WebApp) -[:CONSISTS_OF_JAVA_CLASS]->(class:JavaClass) -[:IMPORTS]->(dependency:JavaClass) WHERE dependency.name =~ '.*security.*' OPTIONAL MATCH

    (dependency) -[:PROVIDED_BY_JAR]-> (jar:JarOrModule) RETURN app, dependency, jar class LIMIT 50; 11 Graph Search & Analysis (neo4j) Which security packages are used? Interactive exploration Refactoring automation with Spoon
  9. 15 HOLOWARE: Collaborative visualization, exploration, and analysis of software landscapes

    in XR Research project by QAware and University of Erlangen-Nuremberg funded by BMWi / ZIM
  10. 16

  11. 17

  12. 18

  13. QAware GmbH Aschauer Straße 32 81549 München Tel.: +49 89

    232315-0 E-Mail: info@qaware.de | sales@qaware.de qaware.de twitter.com/qaware linkedin.com/company/qaware-gmbh xing.com/companies/qawaregmbh github.com/qaware slideshare.net/qaware
  14. 21 Slicing & dicing multi-dimensional time series data with the

    Software ECG ❏ Nodes: Compute nodes ❏ Namespaces: Application namespaces ❏ Pods & Services: Containerized Applications ❏ Processes: Application processes ❏ Metrics: e.g. runtime metrics, cloud costs Dimensions: ❏ Tool for analyzing multi-dimensional time series as collected from system behaviour monitoring ❏ Capable of analyzing trillions of data points in seconds ❏ Internally used in QAware projects at BMW, Deutsche Telekom, Allianz etc,