COULD MAKE US FORGET.) 冷たい⾬に濡れる時は ⾜⾳⽐べ 騒ぎながら いこう (EVEN IN THE POURING RAIN, WE STILL STOMP AND SHOUT TO SEE WHO’S THE LOUDEST.) 太陽の代わりに唄を 君と僕と世界の声で (WE CAN KEEP SINGING WITHOUT THE SUN, FROM YOUR VOICE, FROM MY VOICE, THE WORLD SINGS AS ONE.) いつか君を⾒つけた時に (THE DAY THAT I FOUND YOU, YOU FOUND ME, TOO.) The pair of them laugh, and Laura is seen pushing Carmilla through the street now being the active one. Sean and Gerry are seen hitting on various women in the shops, and Girl #5 comes from behind and hits Sean over the head, angry. CARMILLA (V.O) (CONT'D) 君に僕も⾒つけてもらったんだな 今 ⽬が合えば笑うだけさ ⾔葉の外側で (NOW WHENEVER OUR EYES MEET, OUR LAUGHTER SAYS MORE THAN OUR WORDS.) ゴールはきっとまだだけど (WE’RE STILL A LONG WAY FROM WHERE WE WANT TO GO) もう死ぬまでいたい場所にいる (BUT I COULD STAY HERE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.) They are seen entering a pastry shop, another creamery, and a clothing store. CARMILLA (V.O.) 隣で(隣で)君の側で 魂がここだよって叫ぶ (NEXT TO YOU (NEXT TO YOU), HERE BY YOUR SIDE, MY SOUL CRIES OUT THAT THIS IS WHERE I BELONG.) 泣いたり笑ったりする時 君の命が揺れる時 (THROUGH TEARS, THROUGH LAUGHTER, THROUGH GOOD TIMES OR BAD) 誰より(近くで)特等席で 僕も同じように 息をしていたい (I WANT YOU (NEXT TO ME) IN THE GOOD SEATS, OUR BREATHS IN PERFECT HARMONY.) Match cut to another date, where Carmilla and Laura are in different outfits. They look a little bit older. Carmilla has cut her hair, and Laura has grown hers out. They try on hats.