Are you in the process of learning React? AngularJS? Node.js? Gulp? EcmaScript 6? ClojureScript? _Insert your tool, framework or programming language here_? Does the prospect of having to learn a "new way" of programming make you uncomfortable? Have you ever gone through a tutorial and still don't feel like you have a good grasp of the concepts? Do you think learning a new technology is a slow and painful process?
In the software profession, learning is an integral part of our job. Frameworks, languages and tools come and go so fast that in five years you are likely going to be working with a different set of tools. Although there are countless blog posts, tutorials and courses on the internet teaching you any topic you can imagine, that still doesn't mean learning is easy. Groundbreaking technologies break ground by changing the way we think about problems. The bigger the mental shift required, the steeper the learning curve.
In this presentation, I will describe a few techniques that will allow you to both learn faster and get a firmer grasp of concepts - with which you will be able to transfer knowledge more easily to new problem domains. Taken together, these techniques give you a loose framework for learning any new complex piece of technology, whether it be a new framework, library, platform, or programming language - using resources you can readily find on the internet.