your back if you’re working with the graph database Neo4j. It’s useful as a database admin interface and a visual demonstra?on tool. rmaid.js is a super handy library that leverages D3.js to help you create graphs and flow charts in the browser using a simple markdown-style syntax. och is a “general purpose real-?me char?ng library for building beau?ful, smooth, and high performance visualiza?ons.” Epoch provides the mework for 5 different real-?me charts built with D3 and canvas. allel Coordinates is a toolkit for visually exploring mul?dimensional data built on D3.js GH is a plugin for the 3D modeling applica?on suite Rhino/Grasshopper created as a “two-dimensional plarorm for ra?onalizing and interfacing with ding informa?on”. ghts.js is a library based on D3.js for visualizing and naviga?ng graphs. Among others, Insights contains methods for event handling, filtering / using nodes, and adding tool?ps. racursor is a jquery plugin based on D3.js that creates virtual cursors that mul?ply with every click. ctrl.js allows you to construct simple user interface controls. In addi?on to D3, the library makes use of Polymer for handling mouse and touch erac?ons. w Charts is an incredibly handy tool from Density Design that lets you “create custom vector-based visualiza?ons on top of the amazing D3.js library ough a simple interface.” butary is “an experimental environment for rapidly prototyping visualiza?on code. The environment provides several useful libraries, as well as a ple interface for live code edi?ng.” ku is a Web app that “lets you build real-?me dashboards and widgets using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.” arts is “an R package to create, customize and publish interac?ve javascript visualiza?ons from R using a familiar latce style plotng interface.” It ports a mul?tude of char?ng libraries, including NVD3, Polychart, Morris, Rickshaw, xCharts, HighCharts, and Leaflet for mapping. etworkX is a port of the popular Python graph library NetworkX. JSNetworkX aims to bring graph processing to JavaScript, client- and server-side, and provide an easy way to visualize graphs in the browser. It is constructed using a host of tools, relying on D3.js for graph visualiza?on. de Flower is an experimental applica?on built on D3.js that visualizes a source code repository as an interac?ve tree. Each circle in a code flower resents a file in your repo and the size of each circle is determined by the number of lines of code in its corresponding file. mple is a D3-based data vizualiza?on library built with the business-oriented analyst in mind. It has a shallow learning curve, exposing as li4le code as sible to get you slicing and dicing your informa?on faster.