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Docker on Windows

Docker on Windows

Presented at Docker Seattle Meetup #6.
Speakers: Ahmet Alp Balkan, Taylor Brown, Daniel Roth

– Windows containers
– Docker CLI for Windows
– Demo: Running ASP.NET 5 on Docker*

(Recording of this talk will be added soon.)

* you can watch the same ASP.NET demo at 46:00 mark here: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Microsoft-Azure/Level-Up-Azure-IaaS-for-IT-Pros/How-to-Implement-Containerization-with-Docker-to-Increase-Density-and-Performance-of-Virtual-Machine

Ahmet Alp Balkan

December 03, 2014

More Decks by Ahmet Alp Balkan

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  1. Docker on Windows Ahmet Alp Balkan Software Engineer Microsoft Azure

    @ahmetalpbalkan Taylor Brown Program Manager Microsoft Operating Systems Group @HyperV_taylorb Daniel Roth Program Manager ASP .NET @danroth27
  2. Porting Docker CLI to Windows • Docker is written in

    Go • Cross-compiled for Windows • Terminal (tty) code for Windows • Platform specific issues • e.g. paths (‘\’ vs ‘/’) • Currently in bug fix mode
  3. Where can I get it? You need to compile it

    yourself, for now: http://alp.im/blog/compiling-docker-cli-on-windows
  4. New ASP .NET 5 is cross-platform! http://github.com/aspnet/Home • Runs on

    the .NET Framework, .NET Core and Mono today • Host on IIS/Http.sys, Kestrel, or any OWIN-based web server • Cross-platform CLI tools
  5. OmniSharp – Cross platform .NET dev tools http://omnisharp.net • IntelliSense

    • Add Reference • Format Document • Deploy to Azure • …Much more! • Open source and community driven
  6. Thanks. Ahmet Alp Balkan @ahmetalpbalkan ahmetb@microsoft.com http://alp.im Taylor Brown @HyperV_taylorb

    taylorb@microsoft.com http://aka.ms/taylorb Daniel Roth @danroth27 daniel.roth@microsoft.com