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Codifying the Build and Release Process with a ...

Codifying the Build and Release Process with a Jenkins Pipeline Shared Library - Jenkins World 2017

Have you ever been asked to migrate old legacy applications/servers/code to a new datacenter? Have you ever had issues figuring out how to replicate the old environment in the new one?

This war story is about our migration from a Jenkins 1.x instance in an old legacy environment that was being decommissioned, into a brand new Jenkins 2.x instance in a new datacenter. We were given a 60-day window to complete the migration of all 150+ Freestyle jobs from the old Jenkins implementation to the new one.

While copying the XML job configuration file from the old server and moving it to the new one would be easy, replicating the hand-built monolithic build servers is difficult. Building and reusing template jobs would be a secondary option, but this would lead to technical debt in the future. Finally, developers were not enthused about constantly replicating basic global configuration changes such as email addresses between jobs.

The DevOps team quickly identified similarities across all jobs and sought to DRY up the code by building a shared library to abstract Jenkins Pipeline configuration and cover a vast majority of jobs. This made global changes much easier and we were able to pare down Jenkinsfiles to less than 10 lines of configuration parameters using wrappers. This saved hours of developers’ time learning Pipeline syntax and Groovy. To address the monolithic build servers, we created Dockerfiles in each app repository with the exact dependencies needed to build that particular app. Now, each repository has a Jenkinsfile that describes how to build, test and release the app, and a Dockerfile along with a Docker Compose file, that builds the environment in which the pipeline runs. This gives us confidence that future Jenkins migrations would be less cumbersome – as long as there was access to GitHub, agents where Docker containers could run and network connectivity to Artifactory where we store RPMs, all the jobs could be picked up and moved over with minimal effort.

There were many resources out already in the Jenkins community about these efforts such as:
- https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/need-jenkins-pipeline
...but there was no case study about the successes and failures nor tricks and tips of how to implement this. We may not have done it the right way nor the most efficient way, but by sharing my story at FireEye, I hope to give others a valuable starting point they can cherry-pick ideas from.

This talk concludes with lessons learned of why we were successful, opinions of other Jenkins tools we tried such as Jenkins Job Builder and raw, scripted Pipeline, deployments with Fabric, and our plans to move to Declarative Pipeline in the future.

Alvin Huang

August 31, 2017

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  1. Codifying the Build and Release Process with a Jenkins Pipeline

    Shared Library Alvin Huang DevOps Engineer, FireEye
  2. Who Am I • DevOps Engineer, GSI @ FireEye •

    Twitter: @RealAlvinHuang, IRC: ahuang • [email protected]
  3. Agenda • Overview of GSI • The Great Migration •

    Why Pipeline? • Why Docker? • Shared Library Examples • How we did this • Lessons Learned • Benefits for the Future
  4. Overview of GSI • Unified global organization combining Mandiant, FireEye

    iSIGHT Intelligence, and FireEye as a Service operations • DevOps Goal: Make the feedback loop between intelligence on the front lines to capabilities in software, smaller
  5. Scenario • Consolidate datacenters • Migrate Jenkins off a shared

    instance • ~60 days • ~150 Freestyle jobs • ~20 different build agents • Upgrade from 1.x to 2.x
  6. Legacy Jenkins Jobs • Jenkins primarily used to run tests

    and build RPMs • SCP to publish RPMs to yum server • Ad-hoc Github triggers • No owner/SME for Jenkins
  7. Goals • Standardize and make consistent CI pipelines • Jenkins

    SME = DevOps team • Make new app onboarding easy – Build abstraction that covers ~90% of jobs • Jenkins jobs tracked in git • Decouple tools from Jenkins/shell => Docker
  8. Migration Strategies Migration Strategy LOE Advantages Disadvantages Copy XMLs from

    old server to new server Minimal - Easy, no extra work - Tech debt - Global changes are hard - Job config not in SCM Create Freestyle Jenkins job templates Moderate - Global changes are easier - Hide much of the configuration from end users - Make Freestyle jobs DRY - Tech debt - Debugging a job is hard - Job config not in SCM - Global changes can break all builds Convert Freestyle jobs to Pipeline jobs Significant - Job configuration in SCM - Learn pipeline syntax - Large job footprint - Global changes are hard - Too complex for many users - Subject to repetition and tech debt Create a Jenkins Shared Library for Pipeline jobs Moderate - Jobs in SCM - Standardized and consistent - Easy on-boarding, just needs parameters - Job configuration hidden from user - Learn pipeline syntax - Need owner for library - Global changes can break all builds
  9. Solution: Use Github Organizations • Index every branch of every

    repo that has a Jenkinsfile • Configure one Github hook on the organization level
  10. Why Pipeline and Shared Libraries? Problem Solution Overhead with Freestyle

    jobs Use a pipeline library wrapper; Github Organizations Jobs were not DRY Use a pipeline library wrapper
  11. Why Pipeline and Shared Libraries? Problem Solution Overhead with Freestyle

    jobs Use a pipeline library wrapper; Github Organizations Jobs were not DRY Use a pipeline library wrapper Job configuration drift
  12. Why Pipeline and Shared Libraries? Problem Solution Overhead with Freestyle

    jobs Use a pipeline library wrapper; Github Organizations Jobs were not DRY Use a pipeline library wrapper Job configuration drift Jenkinsfiles in SCM
  13. Why Pipeline and Shared Libraries? Problem Solution Overhead with Freestyle

    jobs Use a pipeline library wrapper; Github Organizations Jobs were not DRY Use a pipeline library wrapper Job configuration drift Jenkinsfiles in SCM Difficult to view job configurations and build steps
  14. Why Pipeline and Shared Libraries? Problem Solution Overhead with Freestyle

    jobs Use a pipeline library wrapper; Github Organizations Jobs were not DRY Use a pipeline library wrapper Job configuration drift Jenkinsfiles in SCM Difficult to view job configurations and build steps Jenkinsfiles + Stage View
  15. Why Pipeline and Shared Libraries? Problem Solution Overhead with Freestyle

    jobs Use a pipeline library wrapper; Github Organizations Jobs were not DRY Use a pipeline library wrapper Job configuration drift Jenkinsfiles in SCM Difficult to view job configurations and build steps Jenkinsfiles + Stage View Very difficult to make global changes
  16. Why Pipeline and Shared Libraries? Problem Solution Overhead with Freestyle

    jobs Use a pipeline library wrapper; Github Organizations Jobs were not DRY Use a pipeline library wrapper Job configuration drift Jenkinsfiles in SCM Difficult to view job configurations and build steps Jenkinsfiles + Stage View Very difficult to make global changes *Library changes have an effect on all builds
  17. Why Pipeline and Shared Libraries? Problem Solution Overhead with Freestyle

    jobs Use a pipeline library wrapper; Github Organizations Jobs were not DRY Use a pipeline library wrapper Job configuration drift Jenkinsfiles in SCM Difficult to view job configurations and build steps Jenkinsfiles + Stage View Very difficult to make global changes *Library changes have an effect on all builds Monolithic build servers
  18. Migrating Monolithic Build Agents • No configuration management • What

    packages and versions were installed? • Who runs on what agent? • Changes on a node may affect another team sharing that same agent
  19. Why Pipeline and Shared Libraries? Problem Solution Overhead with Freestyle

    jobs Use a pipeline library wrapper; Github Organizations Jobs were not DRY Use a pipeline library wrapper Job configuration drift Jenkinsfiles in SCM Difficult to view job configurations and build steps Jenkinsfiles + Stage View Very difficult to make global changes *Library changes have an effect on all builds Monolithic build servers Use Docker
  20. What about… • Jenkins Job Builder – Simple jobs defined

    by relatively complex YAML – Verbose – Needs abstraction for novice users • Job DSL Plugin – Programmatically seeds/creates Jenkins jobs – Jenkins Pipeline + Github Organizations can be used instead – No logic between jobs (ie: no Pipeline ‘input’ step)
  21. Starting Point • New Jenkins 2.x instance • Stable build

    nodes built with Puppet – CentOS 6/7 hosts • Working Docker integration
  22. How do we do this? • Find a *passionate* liaison

    from each team • Learn their workflow – There’s probably a freestyle job already • Start pipelining their workflow in modular pieces: – Checkout code – Run build script – Archive artifacts – Publish to Artifactory – Promote artifact – Send email • Build a wrapper to call those functions • Repeat for another team/app, reusing what you just made
  23. Reap the Benefits • Give Devs/QA their time back •

    Standardization of jobs and workflows • Standardization of build and test environments • Jenkins maintenance and resilience made easy by decoupling tools
  24. Use Github Organizations • Index every branch of every repo

    that has a Jenkinsfile • Configure one Github hook on the organization level
  25. Make Steps Modular • What does this step do? –

    Does A ‘AND’ B; break it apart • Namespace them
  26. Benefits of Shared Libraries For Our Future • Migration of

    Github • Upgrade to Puppet 5 • Consolidation of Artifactory • Application stacks in Openshift • Deployments through Rundeck, Ansible or Fabric • Scripts in ‘vars’ can be called in Declarative Pipeline