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DevOps from the Trenches of a Practitioner - De...

DevOps from the Trenches of a Practitioner - DevOpsDays DC 2018

Applying DevOps across an organization is hard. Every day, someone in the community writes an amazing blog post on how they implemented X to solve Y at Company Z. However, there haven’t been many resources describing how to go from Day 1 Ground Zero to when the final product is worth sharing. This talk is intended to fill the gap. Through the lens of implementing an automated, repeatable, and consistent CI/CD pipeline, we will explore the journey from asking the right questions to the right people when requirements gathering, to techniques for rolling out automation and consistency across an organization successfully, and finally, how to demonstrate value and foster healthy relationships as engineers eagerly await the final product.

Alvin Huang

June 07, 2018

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  1. Copyright © 2018 HashiCorp DevOps From the Trenches of a

    Practitioner Alvin Huang, Release Engineer @ HashiCorp
  2. Copyright © 2018 HashiCorp ▪ Go Release Consistency and Automation

    Problem !3 By Kharnagy [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons
  3. Copyright © 2018 HashiCorp Discover and Analyze ▪ Propose impactful

    changes, gather feedback ▪ Written history of product evolution ▪ Author: what change is proposed and why ▪ Other Engineers: double check assumptions ▪ Future Engineers: why something exists !11 Information Gathering - RFCs
  4. Copyright © 2018 HashiCorp Phased Rollout ▪ Celebrate small successes

    ▪ Recognize people/teams who embrace the technology to fuel adoption among other teams !15
  5. Copyright © 2018 HashiCorp Not Everyone Is a Unicorn ▪

    Integrity ▪ Kindness ▪ Pragmatism ▪ Humility ▪ Vision ▪ Execution ▪ Communication ▪ Beauty Works Better ▪ Reflection !17 https://www.hashicorp.com/our-principles ▪ It’s OK to not be as organizationally mature as others. This is why we are employed.
  6. Copyright © 2018 HashiCorp Foster Healthy Cross-Team Relationships ▪ Integrity

    ▪ Kindness ▪ Pragmatism ▪ Humility ▪ Vision ▪ Execution ▪ Communication ▪ Beauty Works Better ▪ Reflection !18 https://www.hashicorp.com/our-principles
  7. Copyright © 2018 HashiCorp Evaluate and Reflect ▪ Integrity ▪

    Kindness ▪ Pragmatism ▪ Humility ▪ Vision ▪ Execution ▪ Communication ▪ Beauty Works Better ▪ Reflection !19 https://www.hashicorp.com/our-principles