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Managing Machine Learning Models in Production

Managing Machine Learning Models in Production

Talk presented at PyCon UK 2017 (28 Oct 2017) and PyData Delhi (03 Sept 2017)


firefly - https://github.com/rorodata/firefly
rorodata - http://rorodata.com

Anand Chitipothu

September 03, 2017

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  1. Who is Speaking? Anand Chitipothu @anandology — Building a data

    science platform at @rorodata — Advanced programming courses at @pipalacademy — Worked at Strand Life Sciences and Internet Archive 2
  2. Challenges: Model Management — Maintaining multiple versions of a model

    — Keeping track of what went into building a model 5
  3. Challenges: Collaboration — Share models with others in the team

    — Model reuse across the team — Access control 6
  4. Challenges: Deployment — Deploy a model as a service —

    Keeping track of usage and latencies 7
  5. The pace of innovation of a data-driven business is limited

    by the bottlenecks in their data science workflows 10
  6. Our Approach We've built a data science platform to address

    these issues. Key Elements: — Model versioning — Firefly - A tool to run python functions as RESTful API (open source) — Compute environment to deploy models, run 12
  7. The Requirements — Storage: Save and retrieve multiple versions of

    a model — Metadata: Associate additional metadata with each model version — Simplicity: Simple Python and Command-line interface 14
  8. The Concepts Model Repository: Repository for storing multiple versions of

    a model. Model Image: A saved version of a model, including the metadata. 15
  9. +---------------------------------------+ | Model Repository A | | | | ModelImage

    - v1 ModelImage - v2 | | +---------------+ +---------------+ | | | Model v1 | | Model v2 | | | +---------------+ +---------------+ | | | Metadata v1 | | Metadata v2 | | | +---------------+ +---------------+ | +---------------------------------------+ 16
  10. The Metadata It is important to capture everything that went

    into building a model, including: — who built it — what dataset was used — what were the features used — what was the accuracy — etc. 17
  11. Sample metadata: Model-ID: c54e00eb Model-Name: iris Model-Version: 3 Author: Alice

    Foo <alice.foo@example.com> Date: 2017-08-02T10:20:30Z Content-Encoding: pickle+gzip Input-Source: s3://iris-sample-data Python-Version: 3.5.1 Dataset-Features: Sepal-Length,Sepal-Width,Petal-... Dataset-Rows: 150 Training-Algorithm: SVM Training-Parameters: C=10; alpha=0.4; kernel=rbf Training-Accuracy: 0.85 Job-Id: 0c51db57 18
  12. The Python Interface Get a Model: import roro # Get

    the current project project = roro.get_current_project() # Get repo for the model you are looking for repo = project.get_model_repository("credit-risk") # get the model image model_image = repo.get_model_image(tag="latest") print(model_image["Model-Version"], model_image["Accuracy"]) 19
  13. Save a Model: import roro project = roro.get_current_project() repo =

    project.get_model_repository("credit-risk") model_image = repo.new_image(model) model_image["Dataset-Features"] = "A,B,C,D" model_image["Training-Parameters"] = parameters model_image["Training-Accuracy"] = 0.35 model_image.save( comment="Built a new model using the data till August 2017") 20
  14. The CLI $ roro models:list credit-risk v4 hello-world v3 $

    roro models:download credit-risk:latest Downloaded credit-risk model to credit-risk.model $ roro models:tags credit-risk jan2017 v1 production v3 latest v4 21
  15. $ roro models:log Model-ID: 4fbe8871 Model-Name: credit-risk Model-Version: 4 Date:

    Thu Sep 1 13:16:14 2017 +0530 Updated the model with August data. Model-ID: bdc0a3b4 Model-Name: hello-world Model-Version: 1 Date: Thu Jul 27 11:17:14 2017 +0530 First Version of the hello-world model. 22
  16. $ roro models:show credit-risk:latest Model-ID: 4fbe8871 Model-Name: credit-risk Model-Version: 4

    Date: Thu Sep 1 13:16:14 2017 +0530 Author: Alice Foo <alice.foo@example.com> Content-Encoding: pickle+gzip Input-Source: s3://credit-risk-data Python-Version: 3.5.1 Dataset-Features: age,income,years,ownership,grade Dataset-Rows: 150 Training-Algorithm: DecisionTree Training-Parameters: max-depth=5 Training-Accuracy: 0.85 Job-Id: 01c5d25b Updated the model with August data. 23
  17. The Problem How to expose an ML model an API

    for others to use? Or How to expose a Python function as an API? 25
  18. Challenges — Requires writing a web application — What about

    authentication? — How to do data validation? — Need to write a client library too? 26
  19. Use And use it with a client. >>> import firefly

    >>> client = firefly.Client("") >>> client.square(n=4) 16 30
  20. Behind the scenes, it is a RESTful API. $ curl

    -d '{"n": 4}' 16 And supports any JSON-friendly datatype. 31
  21. Deploying a Machine Learning Model The code: # model.py import

    pickle model = pickle.load('model.pkl') def predict(features): result = model.predict(features]) return int(result[0]) 32
  22. Run the server using: $ firefly model.predict ... And use

    it in the client: >>> remote_model = firefly.Client("http://localhost:8080/") >>> remote_model.predict(features=[5.9, 3, 5.1, 1.8])) 2 33
  23. Authentication Firefly has built-in support for autentication. $ firefly --token

    abcd1234 sq.square ... The client must pass the same token to autenticate it. >>> client = firefly.Client( "", auth_token="abcd1234") >>> client.square(n=4) 16 34
  24. The Compute Platform We have tools to manage ML models

    and serve them as APIs. But, what we still need to: — Set up the right environement — Provision the server as needed — Serve the functions 37
  25. Projects A project contains: — Unique name — A runtime

    — The code — Services and scheduled tasks — Data volumes 39
  26. The Setup (1/3) Every project contains a special file roro.yml.

    It contains the project name and runtime. project: credit-risk runtime: python3 40
  27. The Setup (2/3) The services that need to be running.

    services: - name: default function: predict.predict size: S1 - name: credit-grade function: credit_grade.get_credit_grade size: S1 41
  28. The Setup (3/3) And the scheduled periodic tasks. tasks: -

    name: train command: python train.py size: S2 when: every day at 10:00 AM - name: restart-web command: roro ps:restart web when: after train 42
  29. The API Make your code changes and: $ roro deploy

    Deploying credit-risk... Building docker image... done. Updating scheduled jobs... done. Restarting services... default: https://credit-risk.rorocloud.io/ credit-grade: https://credit-risk--credit-grade.rorocloud.io/ Deployed v4 of credit-risk project. 43
  30. Run scripts and notebooks. $ roro run -size C64 train.py

    Created new job b42c12a0 $ roro run --gpu train.py Created new job b42c12a0 $ roro run:notebook Created new job 60984179 Jupyter notebook is available at: https://60984179-nb.rorocloud.io/?token=LNRZDpHdPhGLzf00 The jupyter notebook server can be stopped using: roro stop 60984179 44
  31. Inspect: $ roro ps JOBID STATUS WHEN TIME CMD --------

    -------- -------------- ------- --------------- 60984179 running 14 minutes ago 0:14:18 [notebook] 74ee24a1 running 24 minutes ago 0:24:47 python train.py $ roro logs 74ee24a1 ... Iteration 1 - 43.01 Iteration 2 - 44.04 ... Iteration 34 - 67.32 45
  32. Summary — Managing ML models in production is non-trivial —

    The pace of innovation of a data-driven business is limited by the bottlenecks in their data science workflows — Data Science Platforms are essential to fill that gap 47