Learn) => Option[ Expertize ]) => Option[(Money, () => Future[Option[Job]] )] Still some work *sight* But never stop learning, nor exploring Expertize is like experience, yet rarer Money, the unfortunate obligation Create your secret sauce, a lazy call to Job
Software (SaaS): user management, social login product support online billing/payment access to data sources Infrastructure (IaaS): storage, servers...
want, not how you get it Threads, cores, servers, datacenters If FP gets a global adoption it will be because it solves issues related to the distributed environment. Complexity of distribution
abstraction on distributed data Using an extended functional style (not only MR) Represents a distributed computation as a Graph In-Memory! val sc = new SparkContext(/*...*/) lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://...") errors = lines.filter(_.startsWith("ERROR")) errors.filter(_.contains("HDFS")) .map(_.split('\t')(3)) .collect()