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Learning How to Learn - Artsy x React Native

Learning How to Learn - Artsy x React Native

How to make you and your team resilient to changes in the technical landscape


Artsy Open Source

July 09, 2018

More Decks by Artsy Open Source

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  1. • Without change, life would be pretty boring • Growth

    would stagnate (both for the individual and for companies) • Pushing boundaries and innovating (for good reasons) keeps things fresh Change is good —
  2. • Change is one of the few surefire ways to

    grow as an individual • Emotionally, you can feel stuck in a rut sometimes, so the idea of change can feel exhilarating You will improve —
  3. • Change is deeply unsettling to people • Having an

    element of control, changes your perspective • Change which happens to you, feels like a rollercoaster Change is unsettling —
  4. • Anxiety – can I cope? • Happiness – at

    last something is going to change! • Fear – what impact will the change have on me? • Threat – the problem is bigger than I thought • Guilt – are the past failings down to me? • Disillusionment – this is not for me so I’m leaving • Acceptance – maybe things won’t be so bad • Excitement – I’m looking forward to the challenge The process of transition — The 12 emotional stages of change JM Fisher’s Process of Personal Transition

    DEPRESSION DISILLUSIONMENT DENIAL HOSTILITY GRADUAL ACCEPTANCE MOVING FORWARD Can I cope? At last something’s going to change This is bigger than I thought! This can work and be good I’ll make this work if it kills me!! Change? What Change? I’m off!! ....this isn’t for me! I can see myself in the future What impact will this have? How will it affect me? Who am I? Did I really do that? COMPLACENCY COMPLACENCY © J M Fisher 1999/2012. Free for personal and organizational development use. Not to be sold or copied for general publication. A free resource from www.businessballs.com with permission of John M Fisher. See the theory and explanation at www.businessballs.com/personalchangeprocess.htm
  6. • We react emotionally, as much as we dislike it

    • It helps to realise and acknowledge this • It’s normal and expected You will feel bad —
  7. • Comms is incredibly important • That change is happening

    and what it is are two different things • There is a disassociation between leads and individuals Change is (often) miscommunicated —
  8. • Loss of control • Removed from the center of

    it all • There can be a lot of uncertainty You will feel isolated —
  9. • Communicate again, and again. People absorb this news at

    different rates • Don’t assume it being said once, is enough • Offer (and actively show) support for learning and growth • Carve out dedicated time for Q&A, knowledge sharing, and trial and error • Offer dedicated 1-1 time to talk through any concerns • Supply the team with a solid resource, e.g. egghead.io • Don’t expect your team to be learning non-stop out of hours • Set the right expectations with product and business teams As an instigator — Practical Tips
  10. • Divide and conquer — you can’t learn it all.

    Pair with others, and share regularly • Go with the flow, trust your colleagues • Be in charge of your own learning, watch resources like egghead.io • Openly share questions and vulnerabilities • Take proper breaks in the weekends, you need rest to learn • Cramming under stress is no good for our brains • Be patient with yourself As an individual — Practical Tips