dApps and build infrastructure. (Basic income for all developers aka dApp Staking). In summary, devs can earn Astar tokens by making products, which is based on their performance and decentralized governance. Our token holders can stake tokens on dApps and infrastructure. (e.g. stake $ASTA on Uniswap) Based on nominations and on-chain data, block rewards will be distributed to developers.
👉 We built an incentive for devs to make dApps and build infrastructure on Astar. 40% of block rewards go to developers. If the valuation of Astar is $1B, $40M worth of Astar tokens will be distributed to developers each year!! 👉 We built an incentive for devs to join our ecosystem as early as possible. The earlier they join the ecosystem, the quicker they can win market share, and thus receive higher rewards from protocol. 👉 We’re preparing for big network e ff ects. The more dApps that are created, the more tokens will be locked on Astar. This creates a positive feedback loop on the price of $ASTA. The higher the price, the more money you can distribute to developers. Therefore, we can incentivize more developers, thus there will be more dApps, then the price of $ASTA grows, etc. ASTAR’S NETWORK EFFECTS dApp Staking is the reason why we will win. Stake Technologies All Rights Reserved