scala.collection.immutable._ trait DockerModule { outer: JavaModule => trait DockerConfig extends mill.Module { /** * Tags that should be applied to the built image * In the standard registry/repository:tag format */ def tags: T[Seq[String]] = T(List(outer.artifactName())) def labels: T[Map[String, String]] = Map.empty[String, String] def baseImage: T[String] = "" def pullBaseImage: T[Boolean] = T(baseImage().endsWith(":latest")) private def baseImageCacheBuster: T[(Boolean, Double)] = T.input { val pull = pullBaseImage() if(pull) (pull, Math.random()) else (pull, 0d) } def dockerfile: T[String] = T { val jarName = assembly().path.last val labelRhs = labels() .map { case (k, v) => val lineBrokenValue = v .replace("\r\n", "\\\r\n") .replace("\n", "\\\n") .replace("\r", "\\\r") s""""$k"="$lineBrokenValue"""" } .mkString(" ") val labelLine = if(labels().isEmpty) "" else s"LABEL $labelRhs" s""" |FROM ${baseImage()} |$labelLine |COPY $jarName /$jarName |ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/$jarName"] """.stripMargin } final def build = T { val dest = T.ctx().dest val asmPath = outer.assembly().path os.copy(asmPath, dest / asmPath.last) os.write(dest / "Dockerfile", dockerfile()) val log = T.ctx().log val tagArgs = tags().flatMap(t => List("-t", t)) val (pull, _) = baseImageCacheBuster() val pullLatestBase = IterableShellable(if(pull) Some("--pull") else None) val result = os .proc("docker", "build", tagArgs, pullLatestBase, dest) .call(stdout = os.Inherit, stderr = os.Inherit)"Docker build completed ${if(result.exitCode == 0) "successfully" else "unsuccessfully"} with ${result.exitCode}") tags() } final def push() = T.command { val tags = build() tags.foreach(t => os.proc("docker", "push", t).call(stdout = os.Inherit, stderr = os.Inherit)) } } } © 2019 CyberAgent, Inc. 17/33