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Auctria Experience in Two Parts: Guest & Admin

Auctria Experience in Two Parts: Guest & Admin



May 31, 2024

More Decks by Auctria

Other Decks in Technology


  1. ❓ Ask any questions in the chat box and we

    will answer everything at the conclusion of the presentation 📺 A playback link will be sent via email 🖥 Demo Auctria for as long as you wish
  2. Event Tech solution to sell and manage • Tickets •

    Tables • Sponsorships • Raffles • Donations • For Sale Auction Tech solution is best in class • Paper silent bidding • Mobile bidding • Live auction • Paddle raise • Online auction Auctria is comprehensive event & auction fundraising
  3. RAISE MONEY Events that are diverse, make money! Designed to

    help you raise more money: • Tickets & tables • Sell sponsors on event website • Recognize sponsors on event website • Donations & Paddle Raise • Merchandise sales, Buy-in parties • Tournaments • Peer-2-peer lite Auction Fundraising • Silent, paper bidding • Online Auction- boosters- max bid and bid extension • Live auction and Paddle Raise
  4. RAISE AWARENESS YOUR branding, YOUR colors on the Event Website

    Flexible, easy to use with: • Video element for impact video to be front and center • Image carousels • Countdown clock • Fundraising thermometer • Recognition of Sponsors & Donors • Tools to submit items and cash donations Easy for your guest to navigate and share with others - raising more awareness!
  5. Auctria’s Technology, YOUR Event Auctria’s smart template are ready to

    go out-of- the box Tweak a current template for colors and branding or Start with a core and customize NO Auctria ads or ‘powered-by’ on the event website or guest communications
  6. Engagement starts at different points for different guests. One platform,

    One Website ENGAGE Item Donors Donate Item, Tracking Sponsors Tickets, Sponsors, Shopping cart- pay online Attendees Tickets, My Account, Ticket Hub, Raffles, Live Auction, Pay online Bidders Auction Catalog, Outbid notifications, Silent & Live Previews Cash donors Donate, Fund-a-need, Paddle raise
  7. Donations are major part of your event fundraiser • Donate

    online, set increments or make it an open field • In the room via paddle raise, give from the heart • Designate fund-a-need DONATE
  8. Auctions raise money, in the room • Print bid sheets

    for paper bidding • Print display pages for mobile bidding Let the soaring bids begin! In the room BID
  9. System emails for transactions, winning bids or items purchased •

    Guests can self-pay on the website or mobile device Yes, at a check out desk too Self PAY
  10. For guests that want YOU to do the checkout •

    Individual checkout ◦ Credit card on file ◦ Different card ◦ Check, Cash, Other • Batch checkout ◦ Card on file Assisted PAY
  11. What type of event will you be running? • In-person

    • Online only • Tickets only • Tournaments • Peer-2-peer Plan What fundraising activities will be included? • Auction → ◦ paper bidding, ◦ online & mobile bidding • Sponsorships • Games, Raffle, pulls, dessert dash • Paddle raise • Donations • For sale
  12. Fully integrated with Stripe.com and Authorize.net • YES - you

    can accept other forms of payment offline then manually record within Auctria • YES - you can ask guests to cover credit card fees Set-up PLAN
  13. Auctria’s Smart Templates make your event look great and run

    efficiently • Visibility rules • Edit menu header • QR codes for easy access Plan & Run Set-up
  14. Credit Card Swiper - Card on File or Checkout Used

    in place of keying in a credit card number. • Swiper reads the number • For security, then key in the expiration date & CVV number Use swipers for placing a card on file or payment
  15. Mobile Admin App Only or Admin App + Reader Desk/Laptop

    + POS Reader $60 USD $80 CAD $240 USD $300 CAD Free Tap to Pay Pay “Event Name” $100.00
  16. Annual License Based upon Fundraising Revenue NO performance fees NO

    automatic renewals All your data still available after the license expires
  17. Launch Assisted set-up, Auctria does the set-up and website Ongoing

    support Training for check-in, check-out Event and website set-up Phone for emergency SAVES you time Let Auctria do the set-up and Training
  18. What others are saying Easy to use. Surprisingly affordable. Attractive,

    simple to use for the bidders. Michael Custom custom custom, no other auction software I have used has allowed for the level of customization as this one. Fits a variety of clients. Barry We like Auctria and have been using it for our auctions twice a year for almost 8 years. Auctria is very user friendly and intuitive. I love the ability to host a silent online auction with online bidding. Or the option to have the silent auction bidding done via text messaging. Sara
  19. Online auction • Items close at the set time and

    winners can pay online • You can trigger statements, charge a card on file & batch charges Auctria will never ask your guests for payment Online Bidding RUN
  20. Payments • Pay from your seat via statement or My

    Account • At a checkout desk individually • Admin Batch checkout Auctria will never ask your guests for payment CLOSE