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How Are Your Fundraising Dominoes Dollars Falling?

February 18, 2025

How Are Your Fundraising Dominoes Dollars Falling?

Welcome to all! Thanks for joining us today
BAS- time to call in the PROs
High top tables or round tables?
Square or Fundraising Software?
Run of Show – The Dreaded Timeline!
Who’s on your team; clerking & scribing
Revenue Raisers
Specific is Terrific, Fund A Need
Volunteers or Professional Bidspotters
Fund A Need Levels
Slideshow or not
Videos or guest speakers

Open Q+A throughout


February 18, 2025

More Decks by Auctria

Other Decks in Business


  1. Agenda: Welcome to all! Thanks for joining us today •

    BAS- time to call in the PROs High top tables or round tables? • Square or Fundraising Software? • Run of Show – The Dreaded Timeline! • Who’s on your team; clerking & scribing • Revenue Raisers • Specific is Terrific, Fund A Need • Volunteers or Professional Bidspotters • Fund A Need Levels • Slideshow or not • Videos or guest speakers Open Q+A throughout
  2. Today Guest George Franco The Good News Auctioneer George spent

    decades in the rough and tumble world of television news as a highly regarded award winning journalist. His passion for helping others led George to take an early retirement at Fox 5 News in Atlanta. He also did stints in other markets including Los Angeles, Sacramento and Albuquerque. George wanted to bring good news to the world, thus Your "Good News" Auctioneer was born. As a seasoned television personality, George fills the stage with energy, wit, humor and an understandable chant. By tapping into a deeper connection, George invites patrons on a journey of goodwill, generosity and fun, resulting in exponentially larger financial gains.
  3. High Tops - Not My Favorite High top tables or

    round tables? Dominoes Falling the wrong way! High Top tables direct sound both inward and upward. As more High Top tables are added, the noise level rises dramatically. The sound ascends and generates a network of sound tunnels that contend with the audio emanating from the stage. Patrons tire quickly when left standing, which diminishes their overall experience and cuts into your fundraising results.
  4. Round Tables – Much Better! High top tables or round

    tables? Dominoes Falling the right way! Round tables keep the attention toward fundraising.When patrons are seated, it directs their attention toward the stage. Even if they are a ‘loud’ crowd, it is much more manageable than the noise from high top tables. Patrons will stay longer when you preserve their energy by giving them a seat at the table ! High tops are ok for registration!
  5. Square & Similar Methods – Why? Fundraising software or other

    methods Dominoes Falling the wrong way! Square, PayPal, Venmo or other methods of collecting funds lead to frustration, long lines and potential mishaps. Square and other payment methods take precious time away from check out and require a different format to register patrons. These types of payment methods do not track multiple transactions like silent auction, live auction, fund a need, revenue raisers, ticket sales and more.
  6. Fundraising Software – Much Better Fundraising software or other methods

    Dominoes Falling the right way! Professional fundraising software is designed to tackle the challenges of a live in person fundraiser including silent auction, live auction, fund a need, revenue raisers, ticket sales and more. Auctria is easy to use and understand. Training is available to help your team. Fundraising software will track results into the future, setting up a system of accountability and reliability.
  7. Run of Show – The Dreaded Timeline! A benefit auction

    without a timeline is like a road trip without a map! A well-planned run-of-show keeps your event on track, ensuring momentum never stalls. Too slow? Guests lose interest. Too rushed? Bidding suffers. The right pacing maximizes excitement, engagement, and most importantly donations! Is your timeline working for or against your fundraising goals?
  8. Volunteer Bidspotters – are they reliable? Volunteers or Professional Bidspotters

    ? Dominoes Falling the wrong way! Do you use volunteers to actively watch the crowd to identify bidders and signaling those bids to the auctioneer. Some use lighted wands, whistles or hand gestures to tell the auctioneer when someone wants to place a bid. They may or may not understand the task of encouraging bidders and following the money, leaving dollars on the table.
  9. Professional Bidspotters – YES! Volunteers or Professional Bidspotters ? Dominoes

    Falling the right way! Professional bidspotters, usually auctioneers themselves, understand benefit auctions. With ‘yups’ and auction gestures they signal ongoing bids and donations to the benefit auctioneer Just as importantly, they engage with patrons in a gentle persuasive way with humor, energy and ‘auctiontainment’ to spur along higher bids. My standard practice includes bidspotters for every event.
  10. Revenue Raisers There’s more to fundraising than just the live

    auction. Revenue raisers include silent auctions, raffles, Fund-a-Need appeals, games, and sponsorships. The most successful events layer multiple revenue streams to engage different types of donors and maximize contributions. Are you making the most of every opportunity to raise more dollars for your cause?
  11. Who’s on the team? Clerks & Scribes Dominoes Falling either

    way ?? Clerks register and check out patrons ahead of time and the night of the event. Clerks also input fundraising results into the system. Scribes record the live auction, fund a need and other revenue raisers. Do you use staff or volunteers to clerk and scribe your event? Are they reliable? Do they understand the process. Do long lines and wait times occur when at your gala?
  12. Who’s on the team? Professional Team Dominoes falling the right

    way! This is the team from Knockout Fundraising. This is a professional team which handles the clerking, scribing, check in and check out. They consult before the event to help nonprofits, schools and foundations sail through their fundraisers.
  13. Fund A Need - Do you leave them guessing? Dominoes

    falling the wrong way! A fund a need without a visual explanation will fall flat. Patrons need to understand how their funds will be invested. Not using a slideshow with specific levels and auction items will leave them guessing or uninformed leading to lesser donations and bids.
  14. Fund A Need – Specific is Terrific! Dominoes falling the

    right way! A Fund A Need with visual elements and specific details explains the message and mission to your patrons. A properly produced slide show will show them the specific levels and the specific use of the funds.
  15. Videos or guest speakers What’s the best way to inspire

    generosity powerful storytelling or a personal appeal? Videos can showcase compelling visuals and testimonials, while guest speakers bring a live, emotional connection to your cause. Which will resonate more with your audience? The right choice depends on your event's flow, audience demographics, and fundraising goals. These align with your presentation’s theme of structuring a benefit auction for maximum impact.