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Productive Bash

Productive Bash

Getting Comfortable Scripting on the Command Line

Ayla Khan

May 16, 2018

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  1. Command Line Basics • Terminal: ◦ command line interface application

    • Shell: ◦ command line interpreter that runs in terminal • Why use the command line terminal? ◦ fast ◦ less memory intensive than GUI tools ◦ simple, efficient on remote hosts ▪ display host not needed ◦ versatile set of built in commands ◦ custom commands with scripts
  2. Command Help • Command help ◦ man pages (or info)

    ▪ command, function, system call (usually C) lookup ◦ help ▪ list built in commands ▪ describe a built in command ◦ type ▪ reports type (shell builtin, keyword, file etc.) ◦ alias ▪ make command shortcuts • alias ll=”ls -la” ▪ simplify command and flag combinations ◦ tab autocomplete ◦ ↑↓ through command history
  3. Command History • history ◦ command etc. history list with

    line numbers • !n ◦ repeat from history by line number • !-i ◦ repeat ith previous command • !! ◦ repeat last command ◦ same as !-1 • chain commands ◦ command1 ; command2 ◦ command1 && command2 ◦ command1 || command2
  4. Jobs and Processes • Process: ◦ executing program ◦ unique

    process id (PID) and name ◦ ps ▪ list all currently executing processes • Job: ◦ one or more related processes ◦ job number ◦ job spec (%n) ◦ jobs ▪ list all jobs running in background • & ◦ run in background
  5. Job Control • CTRL-C ◦ terminate process • CTRL-Z ◦

    suspend process • bg ◦ restart suspended job, send to background ◦ job spec %n optional • fg ◦ send job to foreground ◦ job spec %n optional • kill ◦ terminate or signal process by process id • killall ◦ terminate or signal process by process name
  6. Shell Environment • env ◦ set and print environment variables

    • printenv ◦ print environment variables • export ◦ declare and set variable • unset ◦ delete variable • which ◦ find program in environment $PATH
  7. File System Commands • file ◦ tests and reports file

    type (directory, ASCII, executable etc.) • ls ◦ list directory contents • cd ◦ change directory • rm ◦ remove a file or directory • ln ◦ link to file or directory ◦ symbolic link (-s flag) ▪ can link directories ▪ can cross filesystems
  8. File System Commands • chmod ◦ change file or directory

    permissions • mkdir ◦ create a directory • find ◦ search directory ▪ find . -name “*.py” ▪ find A B -name “*.bak” -exec rm {} \; • grep ◦ search file contents ▪ grep -i copyright *.py ▪ grep -Rn 201[5-7] . • diff ◦ compare 2 or more files line by line
  9. File System Commands • touch ◦ changes file modification &

    access time, create empty file • cat ◦ read files, output to stdout • more/less ◦ page through text ◦ less allows backward paging • head ◦ display first n lines or bytes of a file (default n=10 lines) • tail ◦ display last n lines or bytes of a file (default n=10 lines)
  10. File System Commands • uniq ◦ filter and/or report repeated

    lines in file • sort ◦ sort lines in file • wc ◦ count words, lines, characters and bytes in files • sed ◦ stream, edit and substitute text patterns using regular expressions in files ◦ sed -e 's/foo/bar/g' -i.sed test.txt • cut ◦ cut portions from file by delimiter (default is tab), byte or character position ◦ writes to standard output
  11. Chaining Commands • pipe: aylas-mbp-4:masters ayla$ git status --porcelain M

    paper.tex ?? arch.key ?? arch2.key ?? images/arch2/ ?? paper.tex.save.1 ?? vol.key aylas-mbp-4:masters ayla$ git status --porcelain | grep "^??" | cut -d ' ' -f 2 arch.key arch2.key images/arch2/ paper.tex.save.1 vol.key
  12. Chaining Commands • xargs: ◦ build and execute commands from

    standard input ◦ print directory file on 1 line ▪ ls | xargs echo aylas-mbp-4:masters ayla$ find . -name "*.tex" | xargs -t wc -w wc -w ./outline.tex ./paper.tex 491 ./outline.tex 1936 ./paper.tex 2427 total
  13. Bash Script Variables • Variables ◦ string, integers, arrays etc.

    ◦ no native floating point math ▪ use builtin tools instead (bc: arbitrary precision calculator language) ◦ readonly ◦ declare ▪ limit type (array, integer) ▪ can make variables readonly ▪ declare [option flag] [variable[=value] ...] • Positional parameters ◦ $*: quoted string containing positional parameters ◦ $@: array of positional parameters ◦ $0, $1,…: parameter variables ◦ $#: number of arguments
  14. Bash Control Flow • Conditional statements: ◦ if test -f

    $1; then echo “File $1 exists”; fi ◦ if [ -f $1 ]; then echo “File $1 exists”; fi ◦ if [[ -f $1 ]]; then echo “File $1 exists”; fi if [[ $i -lt 0 ]] && (( $i % 2 == 0 )) then echo “$i is negative and even” elif [[ $i -ge 0 ]] then if (( $i % 2 == 0 )) then echo "$i is positive and even" else echo "$i is positive and odd" fi else echo “$i is negative and odd” fi
  15. Bash Control Flow • case statements case "$1" in start)

    start ;; stop) stop ;; status) status anacron ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status}" exit 1 esac http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_07_03.html
  16. Bash Control Flow • for loops: ◦ for ((i=1; i<=10;

    i+=2)); do echo “Loop $i times”; done ◦ for i in {1..5}; do …; done ◦ for i in $(seq 1 5); do …; done for file in $filelist do echo $file done
  17. Bash Control Flow • while loops: ◦ while [[ $i

    -lt 4 ]]; do echo $i; i=$(($i+1)); done while true do if [[ $i -lt 4 ]]; then break fi i=$(($i+1)) done
  18. Bash Operators • Integer comparison ◦ in [[ ]] and

    [ ]: -gt, -ge, -lt, -le, -eq, -ne ◦ in (( )): <, <=, >, >=, ==, != • String comparison ◦ ==, != ◦ in ASCII alphabetical order: >, < ◦ -z (null string), -n (not null) ◦ also file test operators (-e, -f, -d etc.) • Boolean ◦ in [[ ]]: &&, ||, ! ◦ in [ ] and with test: -a, -o, ! • Math ◦ in (( )): +, -, *, / (rounds to integer), ++, --, %, +=, *=, /=, -=, %=
  19. Parameters and Strings • Parameter manipulation ◦ parameter length ▪

    ${#parameter} ◦ remove pattern from end ▪ ${parameter%pattern} or ${parameter%%pattern} ▪ list=*.tiff; for l in $list; do convert "$l" "${l%.tiff}.png"; done ◦ remove pattern from beginning ▪ ${parameter#pattern} or ${parameter##pattern} ◦ substitute first matched pattern ▪ ${parameter/pattern/replacement} ◦ substitute all matched pattern ▪ ${parameter//pattern/replacement} • String concatenation ◦ $a$b ◦ foo$a ◦ substrings (length optional) ▪ ${parameter:offset:length} https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-bash-parameters/
  20. Bash Functions • positional parameters: ◦ same as scripts •

    no return value to caller • local vs global variables: ◦ myvariable visible in function block function simple_with_arg { local myvariable=$1 echo $myvariable } simple_with_arg "foo"
  21. Bash Scripts • shell setup ◦ #!/usr/bin/env bash • list

    of commands, or commands and functions • run with executable permissions or using source command • command execution, substitution ◦ backtick: `mycommand`, output=`mycommand` ◦ subshell (preferred) ▪ (mycommand), output=$(mycommand) ▪ (mycommand1; mycommand2; mycommand3 ...) ▪ python_files=$(ls -l $(find . -name "*.py")) #!/bin/bash OF=/var/my-backup-$(date +%Y%m%d).tgz tar -cZf $OF /home/me/
  22. Bash Configuration Scripts • .bash_profile ◦ executed on login shell

    startup ◦ always executed for new Mac OS X terminal windows and tabs • .bashrc ◦ executed on interactive non-login shells http://www.joshstaiger.org/archives/2005/07/bash_profile_vs.html