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Sept19 Meetup: CrateDB in the Azure IoT Ecosystem by Dominik Moosbrugger

Sept19 Meetup: CrateDB in the Azure IoT Ecosystem by Dominik Moosbrugger

The rise of IoT and smart infrastructure has led to the generation of massive amounts of complex data. Traditional time-series solutions struggle to cope with this shift, leading to a decrease in performance and an increase in cost. In this session, you will learn about the advantages of using CrateDB, how CrateDB fits in the Azure ecosystem and CrateDB on the Edge and Cloud. This will be followed up with a case study of how CrateDB ingests data from a smart factory and queries on real-world machine data. Let's put machine data to work!

Dominik is responsible for customer success and professional services at Crate.io. He has been instrumental in the development of the Crate Machine Data Platform and in the on-boarding and success of its users. Prior to joining Crate, Dominik spent 10 years in technical consulting and project management at Accenture and other technology companies in Austria.

You can find him at:

Azure Zurich User Group

August 27, 2019

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  1. Agenda 1. CrateDB 2. Running CrateDB Cloud on Azure 3.

    Launching a cluster on Azure 4. Delving into CrateDB for queries on machine data 5. CrateDB on IoT Edge 6. Licensing model
  2. I’m Dominik, nice to meet you! Head of Customer &

    Partner Success (2017) Senior Project Manager / PM Lead (5 yrs) Integration Consulting (5 yrs) https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominik-moosbrugger/
  3. Put Machine Data to Work Information (Analytics) Data (Realtime) Improve

    (Action) Sensors Manufacturing Health Mobile Security Automotive Logistics
  4. CrateDB Cloud in Microsoft Azure Test Drive CrateDB Cloud with

    Azure IoT Simulator: https://crate.io/a/connecting-azure-iot-hub-and-cratedb-cloud-for-the-ingestion-of-sensor-data/
  5. Simple install Compatible Real-time Versatility Commodity Scalability Always on Flexible

    Azure IoT Edge CrateDB Storage and Vizualization Sample https://github.com/JMayrbaeurl/azure-iotedge-cratedb-sample