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I have come to bury the BIOS, not to open it: T...

Bryan Cantrill
September 19, 2022

I have come to bury the BIOS, not to open it: The need for holistic systems

Talk given at OSFC 2022 on September 19, 2022 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Video: https://vimeo.com/756050840

Bryan Cantrill

September 19, 2022

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  1. I have come to bury the BIOS, not to open

    it The need for holistic systems Bryan Cantrill Oxide Computer Company
  2. OXIDE In the beginning… • In the beginning, computing systems

    were holistic: hardware and software were designed together, to work with one another • System software was delivered with the computer – but often had to be newly developed for a new machine • Requiring new software for new hardware created schedule delays, viz. OS/360 and The Mythical Man Month • With the advent of Unix, system software became portable – it could be ported rather than developed de novo for each new computer…
  3. OXIDE Unix spreads – and feuds • The portability of

    Unix accelerated the minicomputer and workstation revolutions, with each manufacturer having its own variants • The systems of this era remained broadly holistic: the hardware and software were (broadly) designed with the other in mind • …but despite the original ethos of Unix, the variants themselves remained entirely proprietary – and the differences between them ignited the Unix Wars of the 1980s and 1990s
  4. OXIDE Elsewhere, homebrew computing • With the rise of the

    microcomputer, computing became much more broadly available in the 1970s – but nearly absurd variety with respect to hardware made software standardization challenging • The hardware-specific half of CP/M – the dominant microcomputer OS of the 1970 – was the Basic Input Output System, and could be delivered separately • This gave rise to hardware vendors delivering ROMs that contained platform enablement code roughly standardized as a “System BIOS”
  5. OXIDE The IBM PC era • With the emergence of

    the IBM PC – and its de facto standardization by Compaq – the system software/BIOS split became irreconcilable • Essential hardware enabling-software was driven into the BIOS • The BIOS interface became what system software bound to – it became the definition of “compatibility” • Worse, the software components on both sides of the BIOS/OS divide were nearly exclusively proprietary, serving to harden the boundary
  6. OXIDE It gets worse: SMM • In order to be

    able implement system software functionality delivered by the hardware – e.g., laptop suspend and resume – system management mode was invented • SMM allows effectively arbitrary, hidden code execution at arbitrary time without even allowing system software awareness • This is the opposite of a holistic system: it is one that has been deliberately and perniciously divided!
  7. OXIDE EFI/UEFI • All of this might have been fine

    had x86 remained relegated to personal computing… • …but Intel and AMD out-executed the RISC vendors in the 2000s, forcing PC constructs into the server space • Starting with (ill-fated) Itanium, Intel introduced EFI in an attempt to modernize…
  8. OXIDE UEFI: What might have been Source: Beyond BIOS: Developing

    with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
  9. OXIDE UEFI: What happened instead • While its goals were

    laudable, UEFI was overconstrained • In particular, the need for legacy and Windows compatibility required UEFI to support all past abstractions • UEFI has become the worst of all worlds: complicated, proprietary software that remains at once isolated from – yet also still entirely entangled with! – system software • UEFI has become so entangled with lowest-level platform enablement that non-UEFI platforms are effectively impossible
  10. OXIDE It gets worse, again: Hidden cores • A dividend

    of Moore’s Law: formerly discrete components were increasingly pulled first into large ASICs – and then pulled on-die into a system-on-a-chip • Especially as I/O was brought directly into the die, CPUs developed an increasing numbers of non-architectural cores to manage it • But these cores are hidden to system software – the operating system is being confined to an increasingly narrow slice of the true hardware capabilities of the system…
  11. OXIDE …which is not lost on everyone! Timothy Roscoe, OSDI

    2021 Keynote, It's Time for Operating Systems to Rediscover Hardware
  12. OXIDE The battle for non-architectural cores • Roscoe (rightfully) calls

    this a “security catastrophe” • The non-architectural cores are – on x86 CPUs anyway – entirely proprietary, with all of its concomitant problems; that the system is “open source” is increasingly a myth • Roscoe correctly identifies the problem, but understates the severity: this isn’t a retreat of Linux – it is a resurgence of proprietary operating systems, wrapping themselves in firmware
  13. OXIDE Is an open source BIOS the answer? • An

    open source BIOS is certainly valuable and laudable – but if history is any guide, it is also not sustainable • The problem is not (merely) the proprietary BIOS – it is the ubiquity of the abstraction that splits our stack into open and proprietary halves • The presence of a deeply proprietary platform enablement layer allows for wildly complicated SoCs to have vast, undocumented elements – the implementation of the firmware has become the documentation! • We need a different model
  14. OXIDE The need for (a to return to) holistic systems

    • The platform enablement boundary as we know it today is largely vestigial – it serves to create abstractions that are broadly unnecessary • We need systems that obliterate these boundaries – that are rather holistic systems in which software and hardware are co-designed • Resetting system state over the course of booting is not holistic! • Holistic systems require us to be willing to take up Roscoe’s challenge and adopt SoC specificity in our operating systems
  15. OXIDE Oxide’s approach • At Oxide, we are taking a

    from-scratch, rack-scale approach to server-side computing, with AMD Milan-based sleds of our own design • We do not have a traditional BMC, but rather a fit-to-purpose service processor (an STM32H753) and RoT (LP55S28), both running our own (Rust-based, open source) OS, Hubris (see Cliff Biffle’s OSFC 2021 talk!) • Our approach is holistic but open • Could we develop a truly holistic system on x86?
  16. OXIDE Aside: AMD Details • On AMD, the Platform Security

    Processor (PSP) is a non-architectural core that executes proprietary software to perform system initialization – including DRAM training • System management controller (SP in our case) puts the PSP payload into SPI flash and brings the CPU out of reset • The PSP will perform its initialization and eventually vector into host software executing on the bootstrap core (BSC) • Historically, post-PSP initialization done by AMD’s AGESA firmware – which makes a holistic system impossible
  17. OXIDE Challenge #1: Initialization • To implement holistic boot, system

    software must perform the activities historically done by AGESA • Modern CPUs are very complicated! Post-PSP initialization includes configuring I/O interconnects, core complexes, etc. • For AMD Milan, this specifically includes DXIO engine configuration, NBIO PCIe strapping, hotplug configuration • The software that has implemented this level of initialization has historically been done by the CPU vendor; these interfaces are not always documented thoroughly – if at all!
  18. OXIDE Challenge #2: Boot Phasing • Payload that boots from

    PSP is size-constrained to ~13MB • Stage-based approaches (e.g., oreboot + LinuxBoot) use Linux drivers to load (and execute) a production kernel • This necessitates a pseudo-reset of the system – as well as the creation or emulation of an interface (e.g., ACPI) to pass system state to later stages • We instead adopt a phase-based approach whereby part of the system is loaded from SPI NOR and is able to load the remainder from SSDs – but the system is never discarded
  19. OXIDE Holistic booting! • Helios is our illumos derivative that

    includes the Oxide bhyve-based hypervisor – and runs our rack-wide control plane • We have holistic Helios booting on our EVT compute sleds, including all necessary functionality for platform initialization (I/O, SMP, etc.) • Phased boot has enough in SPI to be able to import ZFS pools from M.2 devices • Helios – along with all Oxide-authored software – will be open source when we ship our first racks at the end of the year!
  20. OXIDE Towards holistic systems • Holistic systems have clear advantages

    in terms of reliability, security, observability, manageability, sustainability, etc. • Based on our experience to date, holistic systems are challenging to implement but emphatically attainable • Documentation from microprocessor vendors is essential; they have much to gain by encouraging more software on their platforms! • Oxide may represent the first open, holistic server-side system in the post-PC x86 era – but unlikely to be the last!