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San Diego JS - Progressive Web Apps

San Diego JS - Progressive Web Apps

Brian Cardarella

June 08, 2016

More Decks by Brian Cardarella

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  1. “It’s not an easy time to build consumer facing mobile

    companies. It is not an easy time to invest in them either.” — Fred Wilson
 Union Square Ventures
  2. However… The User Experience Sucks because… • no home screen

    apps • no offline mode support • they’re slow
  3. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) • Instant loading • Fast •

    Offline / Lie-fi mode • Add to Home Screen • Secure • Push Notifications • Responsive
  4. • Users time on site with Flipkart lite vs. previous

    mobile experience: 3.5 minutes vs 70 seconds • 3x more time spent on site • 40% higher re-engagement rate • 70% greater conversion rate among those arriving via Add to Homescreen • 3x lower data usage
  5. • 92% less data for initial load, vs. native app

    • 82% less data to complete first transaction, vs. native app • 63% less data for initial load, vs. previous mobile web experience • 84% less data to complete first transaction, vs. previous mobile web experience
  6. serviceWorker var offlineFundamentals = [ '/', '/offline', '/css/all.css', '/js/all.js' ];

    self.addEventListener('install', function installer (event) { event.waitUntil( caches .open('v1::fundamentals') .then(function prefill (cache) { return cache.addAll(offlineFundamentals); }) ); }); https://ponyfoo.com/articles/serviceworker-revolution
  7. fetch replacing XMLHttpRequest function reqListener () { console.log(this.responseText); } var

    req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.addEventListener("load", reqListener); req.open("GET", "http://www.example.org/example.txt"); oReq.send();
  8. fetch var myHeaders = new Headers(); var myInit = {

    method: 'GET', headers: myHeaders, mode: 'cors', cache: 'default' }; var myRequest = new Request(‘flowers.jpg', myInit); fetch(myRequest, myInit) .then(function(response) { return response.blob(); }); https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch
  9. serviceWorker self.addEventListener('fetch', function fetcher (event) { var request = event.request;

    if (request.method !== 'GET') { event.respondWith(fetch(request)); return; } // handle other requests }); https://ponyfoo.com/articles/serviceworker-revolution
  10. serviceWorker self.addEventListener('fetch', function fetcher (event) { var request = event.request;

    if (request.method !== 'GET') { event.respondWith(fetch(request)); return; } event.respondWith(caches .match(request) .then(queriedCache); ); }); https://ponyfoo.com/articles/serviceworker-revolution
  11. https://ponyfoo.com/articles/serviceworker-revolution function queriedCache (cached) { var networked = fetch(request) .then(fetchedFromNetwork,

    unableToResolve) .catch(unableToResolve); return cached || networked; } function fetchedFromNetwork (response) { var clonedResponse = response.clone(); caches.open(version + 'pages').then(function add (cache) { cache.put(request, clonedResponse); }); return response; } function unableToResolve () { return new Response('', { status: 503, statusText: 'Service Unavailable' }); }
  12. Conclusion •PWAs allow you to compete with native • PWAs

    will make you more money •PAWs will save you money •PWAs are easy to get started •PWAs are very powerful •PWAs can save the mobile web