2015! Proposer!!!David!Saunders! 07790&779470&&–&&
[email protected]&& ( Section(A:((Which(elements(of(the(GC(Vision(does(it(help(deliver?( Energy,!Economy,!Transport,!Engagement,!Leadership,!Adaptation,!Well!being,!Engagement! ( Section(B:(Project(Summary!! Following!the!Peak!Oil!report,!we!need!to!develop!both!renewable!energy!policy!and!strategy.!! This!proposal!is!to!aim!for!100%!local!planning,!ownership!and!operation!of!Bristol’s!renewables.!! Clearly,!nearly!all!our!energy!generation!capacity!will!need!to!be!replaced!by!renewables,!and!our! addiction!to!fossil!energy!reduced!or!eliminated!–!let’s!do!less!and!accomplish!more.!!! ! As!we!shift!from!‘mainframe’!energy!to!‘mini’!to!‘micro’!there!is!the!historic!opportunity!to!shift! from!energy!owned!by!utilities!(and!operated!to!extract!profits),!to!community!renewable!energy! owned!and!operated!by!communities!for!the!benefit!of!communities.!!Wherever!this!has!been! done!it!has!been!shown!to!be!immensely!empowering,!and!to!strengthen!local!economies!and! make!them!more!resilient.!!The!opportunity!is!also!to!create!local!employment.! ! Bristol!has!the!most!amazing!collection!of!local!resources!around!energy!–!CSE,!the!Centre!for! Sustainable!Energy,!BETS,!Bristol!Environmental!Technologies!and!Services,!which!already!has!a! hydrogen!strategy!board.!!ACRE,!the!universities’!Accelerator!Consortium!for!Renewable!Energy.! The!Environment!Agency.!!Triodos!Bank!and!Triodos!Renewables,!Transition!Bristol!and!Bristol! City!Council.!!We!have!the!skills!and!resources!to!plan,!implement!and!own!our!renewable!future.! ! The!recent!opportunity!to!consider!a!farUfromUsustainable!proposal!for!a!‘renewable!energy’! power!station!running!on!Palm!Oil!reminds!us!that!we!can!be!proactive!rather!than!reactive,!and! rather!than!have!others!profit!from!using!our!land!to!attract!Renewable!Obligation!Certificate! (ROC)!payments,!and!the!new!renewable!energy!Feed!In!Tariffs,!we!can!do!all!this!ourselves.! ! This!proposal!is!to!create!a!project!with!the!visionary!aim!of!Bristol!owning!its!own!energy,! shifting!from!dependence!to!independence!and!resilience,!interdependence!and!leadership.! ! ( BRISTOL((((((((((((((POWER Lockleaze and Bedminster Streets of Solar Projects # KwP Install £/Kw Capital Expense Generate KwH Electricity Value Export 50% FiT Rate FiT Income Total Income KwH/pa: Capital Expenditure Big roofs (schools, businesses) Medium roofs (church, shops) Homes installed by BASIC Homes installed by POBS TOTALS Over 20 years Annual Cash Flow Income (FiT + export tariff) Short term, interest only Loan finance Operating expenses Surplus Present Value - 20 years @ 6.0% 850 £0.127 £0.046 90% Export+FiT 0 40 £1,350 £0 0 £0 £0 £0.130 £0 £0 0 10 £1,350 £0 0 £0 £0 £0.126 £0 £0 300 3 £1,200 £1,080,000 765,000 £97,155 £17,748 £0.154 £106,304 £124,052 400 3 £1,200 £1,440,000 1,020,000 £129,540 £23,664 £0.154 £141,739 £165,403 2100 £2,520,000 1,785,000 £226,695 £41,412 £248,044 £289,456 £4,533,900 £828,240 £4,960,872 £5,789,112 Finance 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. £289,456 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 6.0% 0 year -£151,200 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 6.0% 20 years -£216,649 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. £37,800 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. £110,607 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 50% ROI £1,268,652 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. 2. Now, £3m installs at least 2150Kw of solar PV, generating £4.6m of electricity over 20 years, and £5.8m of subsidies – more than enough to finance the capital cost. The present value of the 20 year surplus, £312K is a 11% ROI. The ROI is higher if adding in the generated electricity, or with long term finance at lower interest rates. Completed Feasibility Projects # KwP Install £/Kw Capital Expense Generate KwH Electricity Value Export 50% FiT Rate FiT Income Total Income KwH/pa: Capital Expenditure Hamilton House Lockleaze Phase 1 (July 2012) TOTALS Over 25 years Annual Cash Flow Income (FiT + export tariff) Short term, interest only Repayment loan Operating expenses Surplus Present Value - 20 years @ 6.0% 850 £0.127 £0.031 Export+FiT margin: 10 2.55 £4,000 £40,000 21,675 £2,753 £336 £0.120 £2,601 £2,937 13 3 £2,200 £85,800 33,150 £4,210 £514 £0.154 £5,105 £5,619 64.5 £125,800 54,825 £6,963 £850 £7,706 £8,556 £174,069 £21,245 £192,653 £213,897 Finance 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. £8,556 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 9.0% 0 year -£11,322 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 6.0% 20 years -£10,815 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. -£1,768 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. -£4,027 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. -37% ROI -£46,193 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. 1. £139K bought 59Kw of solar PV, generating just £177K worth of electricity over 25 years, plus £395K in subsidies (FITs + export tariff). The subsidies are a far bigger factor than the electricity – they kick start the solar economy, and that’s the point. 15% margin now + £18K surplus over 25 years combined give a return on investment of 27% – far more when we add the value of the generated electricity. Bristol Power Project Finance Overview – The 1-2-3 of Solar PV. 1 2 3 3. Soon, £3m will buy 3Mw of solar PV, generating electricity worth £7.8m. If sold at 10p/unit (and for free after 20 years) the ROI is acceptable. This fuels the sustainable shift to a smart, low carbon, cheap energy future. ;-) Green Deal – Life after FiTs. PV on 1000 homes funded from cheaper electricity. Current Projects. Streets of Solar in Lockleaze and Bedminster (~1Mw each). Feasibility Projects. Hamilton House Solar (20Kw) and Lockleaze Pilot (13 homes, 39Kw). Extra Bits cost income electricity surplus ROI Feasibility Current Future £139K £374,951 £168,593 £54,359 39% £3,096K £6,679,935 £6,679,935 £1,050,702 34% £3m £15,618,000 £1,738,451 58% Post-FiT Streets of Solar Neighbourhood Rollout Project # KwP Install £/Kw Capital Expense Generate KwH Electricity Value KwH/pa: Capital Expenditure Larger buildings Medium sized roofs Homes TOTALS Over 20 years Annual Cash Flow Solar electricity sales Loan finance Operating expenses Surplus Present Value - 20 years @ 0.0% 950 £0.127 3 50 £1,000 £150,000 142,500 £18,098 15 10 £1,100 £165,000 142,500 £18,098 1000 2.7 £1,000 £2,700,000 2,565,000 £325,755 3000 £3,015,000 2,850,000 £361,950 £7,239,000 Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. Finance Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. 53% off – £0.06p/unit £171,000 Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. 0.0% 20 years -£150,750 Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. -£21,000 Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. -£750 Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. -0% ROI -£15,000 Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. Capital repayment financed by selling solar electricity at a discount to retail. v 7.4.2013 25.7.2012....... Share Offer Staying open until March 31, 2013 Hamilton House Solar Proposal [First Draft]