exposure to particulates 196 deaths per year 2,048 years of life lost by the local population Population (25+) = 289,000 Public Health England: Estimating Local Mortality Burdens associated with Particulate Air Pollution, April 2014
affordable quality alternative to the car, where streets are no longer clogged with traffic, our air is cleaner, and it is increasingly attractive to walk & cycle
levels of walking and cycling… 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 At or from home Public transport Car Bicycle On foot Birmingham Bristol Leeds Liverpool Manchester Newcastle Nottingham Sheffield England and Wales 2011 Census Core Cities Comparison More people in Bristol commute to work by bicycle or on foot than in any other LA in England and Wales
Split Data from European Platform on Mobility Management Database England and Wales - Travel to Work Data from 2011 Census (ONS) Big Commuter Survey Census European Green Capitals Bristol’s Twin Cities