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NEPHP 2014 - Intro to Laravel

Ben Edmunds
September 07, 2014

NEPHP 2014 - Intro to Laravel

Introduction to the Laravel 4 framework. Learn why this new framework has been taking the PHP world by storm.

Are you ashamed to admit you're a PHP developer? Have you been using the same old, boring PHP framework for years? Tired of your PHP applications turning into enormous beasts? Maybe you've heard about Laravel but haven't made the effort to dive into it? In this presentation, we'll walk through what makes Laravel an elegant, fun, and exciting framework to make PHP applications that you'll be proud of.

Ben Edmunds

September 07, 2014

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  1. Ben Edmunds ! Open Source Author PHP Town Hall Podcast

    CTO at Mindfulware Who is this guy?
  2. Why use it? Expressive Syntax Route::get('user/(:num)', function($id) { $user =

    User::find($id); ! return View::make(‘home') ->with('user', $user); });
  3. Why use it? Utilizes the latest PHP features <?php namespace

    Eloquent; ! use Laravel\Database as DB; ! abstract class Model {
  4. Why use it? Eloquent ORM $user = new User; $user->id

    = 1; $user->save(); ! $user = User::find(1);
  5. Why use it? PAAS to quickly deploy Laravel apps to

    the “cloud” Digital Ocean Linode Amazon EC2 Rackspace !
  6. Comparison HMVC Design ! Lightweight ! ! Fast Excellent Docs

    ! Learned from other frameworks ! Community?
  7. Comparison MVC Design ! Heavy ! Slow ! Large Learning

    Curve Decent Docs ! Modular ! Backed by ZEND !
  8. Comparison MVC Design ! Heavy but has Silex ! Slow-ish

    ! Complex Good Docs ! Modular ! Backed by SensioLabs !
  9. MV[CR] Design ! Easy to get started ! Consistent/Stable Fast

    ! Excellent Docs ! Threw out previous framework ideas and started over ! Comparison
  10. Structure application - config - controllers - models - views

    - routes.php - etc... laravel public - css - img - js - etc...
  11. Unit Test application/tests/routes.test.php Test it! Test it good! class TestRoutes

    extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { ! public function testBase(){ $response = Route::forward('GET', '/'); $this->assertEquals('Boom!', $response);
  12. Unit Test $ php artisan test Run it! PHPUnit 3.6.10

    by Sebastian Bergmann. ! Configuration read from ...www/laravel/develop/phpunit.xml ! Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 6.25Mb ! OK (1 test, 1 assertion) Output
  13. API application/routes.php Route::put('api/user', function(){ $user = User::create(array( 'email' => Input::get(‘email’)

    )); ! return json_encode(array( ‘user_id‘ => $user->id, ‘success‘ => true ); });
  14. Routes Register multiple verbs for a single route: ! Router::register(

    array('GET', 'POST'), $uri, function(){ //this will run for both get and post });
  15. Route Filters Run before or after a given route. !

    Register a filter: ! Route::filter('auth', function() { if (Auth::guest()) return Redirect::to('login'); });
  16. Route Filters Assign a filter to a route: ! Route::get('api/user',

    array( 'before' => 'auth', ), function() { ... }));
  17. Route Filters Pattern matching adds a ton of flexibility: !

    Route::filter('pattern: api/*', 'auth');
  18. Eloquent ORM Relationships class Post extends Eloquent { ! public

    function user() { return $this->belongsTo('User'); } ! } Post::find(1)->user->email; Retrieve Post Creator Email
  19. Eloquent ORM Normal Usage $posts = Post::all(); foreach ($posts as

    $post) echo $post->user->email; SELECT * FROM "posts" ! foreach result { SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = 1 } 100 posts = 101 queries
  20. Eloquent ORM SELECT * FROM "posts" ! foreach result {

    SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id"=1 } 100 posts = 101 queries
  21. Eloquent ORM $posts = Post::with(‘user’)->get(); foreach ($posts as $post) echo

    $post->user->email; 100 posts = 2 queries ! SELECT * FROM "posts" ! SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) Eager Loading FTW!
  22. Eloquent ORM SELECT * FROM "posts" ! SELECT * FROM

    "users" WHERE "id" IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) 100 posts = 2 queries
  23. Eloquent ORM Normal Usage $posts = Post::all(); foreach ($posts as

    $post) { echo $post->user->email; } 100 posts = 101 queries ! SELECT * FROM "posts" ! foreach result { SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = 1 } Eager Loading $posts = Post::with(‘user’)->get(); foreach ($posts as $post) { echo $post->user->email; } 100 posts = 2 queries ! SELECT * FROM "posts" ! SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...)
  24. Views Sending data to a view with magic methods Route::get('/',

    function(){ ! $view = View::make('home.index'); $view->email = ‘email@gmail.com’; ! return $view;
  25. Facades class HomeController extends BaseController { ! public function __construct(

    Illuminate\Session\Store $session ) { $this->session = $session; } Controller Injection
  26. Facades class HomeController extends BaseController { ! public function __construct(

    Illuminate\Session\Store $session, Illuminate\Http\Request $input ) { $this->session = $session; $this->input = $input; Controller Injection
  27. Facades $app['session'] = function() { return new MyCustomSessionLayer; } !

    Facades allow you to inject dependencies or override core functionality
  28. Updating Updating with Composer php composer.phar update ! Updating your

    framework used to land you in copy/paste hell, not anymore
  29. Releases Release Schedule Laravel 4.0 - May 2013 Laravel 4.1

    - Nov 2013 Laravel 4.2 - May 2014 Laravel 4.3 - Nov 2014
  30. That’s a Wrap ! ! Utilizes the best PHP has

    to offer Lightweight and crazy fast Well designed API with great docs ! Go make cool things and have fun