Single-Page-Applications sind legacy, wir brauchen eine Innovation!
Ich möchte im Vortrag zeigen, aufgrund welcher Frontend-Probleme man ursprünglich SPAs entwickelt hat und ob es für diese Probleme nicht heutzutage innovativere Lösungen gibt: Hier kommt Hotwire ins Spiel!
the need for full page reloads. • Turbo Frames decompose pages into independent contexts, which scope navigation and can be lazily loaded. • Turbo Streams deliver page changes over WebSocket, SSE or in response to form submissions using just HTML and a set of CRUD-like actions. • Turbo Native lets your web-application form the center of your native iOS and Android apps, with seamless transitions between web and native sections. Stimulus is a JavaScript framework with modest ambitions. It doesn’t seek to take over your entire front-end— in fact, it’s not concerned with rendering HTML at all. Instead, it’s designed to augment your HTML with just enough behavior to make it shine.