which: – enforces patent rights against alleged infringers in order to collect licensing fees; and – does not manufacture or supply products or services based on its patents.
troll suits make $100M per year or less • 55% of defendants in troll suits make $10M per year or less • 62% of all patent li.ga.on was ins.gated by trolls [Image Source: RPX Corpora.on 2013]
as which patents and claims are at issue, as well as exactly what products allegedly infringe and how) when it files a lawsuit. 2. Fee Shi2ing Requiring the loser in a patent case to pay a`orney’s fees and costs. 3. Discovery Reform Stays most discovery un.l the court has interpreted the patent and limits it to “core documents”. 4. Transparency Requires patent trolls to reveal the par.es that would actually benefit from the li.ga.on (called the “real party in interest”). 5. Staying Customer Suits Requires courts to stay patent li.ga.on against customers when there is parallel li.ga.on against the manufacturer. [Image Source: United Ar.sts]
that stands to gain from s.fling compe..on, fees represent mechanism to u.lize against new market entrants that lack the patent porgolios and legal sophis.ca.on to defend themselves. [Image Source: United Ar.sts]
Benjamin Hayes (713) 320-‐2960 [email protected] Legal Disclaimer The informa.on provided in this presenta.on is general and intended only as a basic overview of corporate law and does not cons.tute legal advice. [Image Source: Ma` Groening/Fox]