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Creating the perfect abstract

Creating the perfect abstract

Call For papers season is upon us! When conferences open their registration to apply to speak for the year 2020!

We know deciding to apply and speak at a conference can seem daunting and scary when you have never done it before, this hackNight will help you kick-start your abstracts and get some solid ideas for your future talks.

Berta Devant

February 12, 2020

More Decks by Berta Devant

Other Decks in Programming


  1. BRAINSTORMING ▸The War Story (setbacks, lessons learned, etc) ▸Library/Framework/Product Launch

    ▸How to X (best practices) || Fundamentals X ▸Introduction to X || What's New in X ▸Intersection Talks || Controversy Talks
  2. TITLES ▸Eye caching ▸Funny/Punny `Be SOLID my Tests` ▸Controversial `The

    Case Against GraphQL` ▸Rhythmical `The good, the bad and the ugly` ▸Short IS Better ▸If all Fails -> Be Descriptive
  3. BRAINSTORMING ▸ The War Story ▸ Porting 100K lines of

    code to TypeScript ▸ Library/Framework/Product Launch ▸ Hot Reloading with Time Travel ▸ How to X (best practices) || Fundamentals X ▸ 14 ways to Bounce a Ball || Static Sites Dynamic ▸ Introduction to X || What's New in X ▸ The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Guide to Color Theory ▸ Intersection Talks || Controversy Talks ▸ Help Please! Get your users to trust you || The Case Against GraphQL.
  4. MAKING ABSTRACT ▸Your first sentence draws attention ▸<100 words ▸Write

    down your goal for the talk (that will be the last sentence) ▸Write down bullets points on how to get there ▸Beginning -> Proof -> End ▸Write down data/controversy/keywords
  5. MAKING ABSTRACT ▸ State the problem ▸ State your solution/approach

    ▸ State Lessons Learned (What the audience will learn from your talk)
  6. USEFUL LINKS ▸ CFP Advice ▸ Writing an Abstract ▸

    Effective Proposals on Twitter ▸ Public Speaking: Abstract Writing By Jessica Rose ▸ How to write an abstract for your conference talk or webinar