repository which can deliver content to any front-end or any device via APIs. When you separate your content repository “body” from its presentation layer “head,” it becomes a headless CMS.
front-end application. In fact, you can have many applications anywhere. It doesn’t matter where they are hosted. The back end means that the database holds all your content and then the add-in application is entirely abstracted away from the developer.
Headless CMS will best fit for a web application backend. • Creating an E-Learning App. • Application to manage manuals. • User diary. • Company Details and Information. • Image Gallery for user Bio. • Application with basic CRUD operations.
you with an inbuilt admin interface. Some of these admin interfaces are customizable (to a limited extent). For example, Agility CMS allows editor extensions. Strapi Headless CMS allows extending the admin interface and building a custom admin as well. Likewise, it is not limited to what is provided off-the-shell. It has some capability to be extended to suit our requirements. Moreover, you can use the Admin APIs to further expands its capabilities.
Content(2) Managing content was never easier than with Headless CMS. Let’s say you have an application that deals with many images (E.g., A blog, A recipe site, A travel site, etc.). Headless CMS will enable thumbnail support, image optimization, scaling images to suit your needs, etc. If not, you will have to do all of these manually to make your user interface look pretty.
headless CMS expose the data model for consumption in the form of RESTful API. Some are also backed by JavaScript SDKs, which is more convenient for SPAs. For example, Strapi and Agility provide JavaScript SDKs.
the JAMstack approach ➔ Global content delivery networks ➔ Rich Text Editing Support ➔ Rich Restful API and JavaScript SDK ➔ Admin Interface and Editor Extensions