John Dos Passos was working as a LIFE correspondent when he visited Austria in early November 1945. Starting out from Bad Wiessee in Bavaria, he went through American-held territory and, after crossing into the Russian zone at Linz, on to Vienna. In the war-ravaged city, where American and Red Army troops were eyeing each other with suspicion, he witnessed the growing tensions between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, thereby anticipating the atmosphere of the Cold War era. Although cold and hunger could be found almost everywhere in Vienna, the Allied-occupied city was recovering traces of its former grace and gaiety, almost like “an old musical comedy queen”, with its clubs and theatres providing entertainment.
The report that John Dos Passos wrote about Vienna reflects his cross-cultural encounters in Allied-occupied Austria. Published in the March 4, 1946 issue of LIFE magazine and in Tour of Duty of August 1946, it presents the Viennese as victimized by Nazi butcheries and Soviet brutalities who welcomed their American liberators. Its ideological bias is conveyed by the author’s use of literary images and political rhetoric well known to American readers, ranging from the (inverted) frontier myth, to the image of Vienna as a home to music and theater, and the stereotype of the crude and evil Bolshevik. Analyzing and interpreting Dos Passos’s report from a cultural studies’ perspective sheds light on America’s relationship with Austria in the early Post-World War II years.