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Dataflows: The abstraction that powers the Big...

Dataflows: The abstraction that powers the Big Data technology by RAÚL CASTRO FERNÁNDEZ at Big Data Spain 2014

Dataflows are an omnipresent abstraction across many big data technologies due to its suitability for representing programs in a way that is easy to parallelize. All dataflow models---such as those of Spark or MapReduce---are stateless, which facilitates achieving fault tolerance, a crucial property when running at large-scale. However, this stateless dataflow models have a negative impact on the programming models they expose, which need to adapt to match the stateless nature of the underlying platforms. With the “democratization of data”, different types of users with different skills want answers from their big datasets, but sometimes they lack the skills required to write programs adapted to these specific frameworks: A familiar programming model becomes crucial to open big data value to a broader set of users.

Big Data Spain

November 25, 2014

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  2. 3   Developers  and  DBAs  are  no  longer  the  only

     ones   genera:ng,  processing  and  analyzing  data.     Democratization of Data
  3. 4   Decision  makers,  domain  scien:sts,  applica:on  users,   journalists,

     crowd  workers,  and  everyday  consumers,  sales,   marke:ng…   Democratization of Data Developers  and  DBAs  are  no  longer  the  only  ones   genera:ng,  processing  and  analyzing  data.    
  4. 7   +  Everyone  has  data   +  Many  have

     interes:ng  ques:ons   -­‐  Not  everyone  knows  how  to  analyze  it  
  5. 8   +  Everyone  has  data   +  Many  have

     interes:ng  ques:ons   -­‐  Not  everyone  knows  how  to  analyze  it  
  6. 11   Bob   Local  Expert   -­‐  Barrier  of

     human  communica:on   -­‐  Barrier  of  professional  rela:ons  
  7. 12   Bob   Local  Expert   -­‐  Barrier  of

     human  communica:on   -­‐  Barrier  of  professional  rela:ons   The  limits  of  my  language  mean  the  limits  of  my   world.   Ludwig  WiWgenstein  “Tractatus  Logico-­‐Philosophicus  1922”  
  8. 13   First  step  to  democra:ze  Big  Data:   to

     offer  a  familiar  programming  interface  
  9. •  Mo>va>on   •  SDG:  Stateful  Dataflow  Graphs   • 

    Handling  distributed  state  in  SDGs   •  Transla:ng  Java  programs  to  SDGs   •  Checkpoint-­‐based  fault  tolerance  for  SDGs   •  Experimental  evalua:on   14   Outline ?   ?  
  10. Mutable State in a Recommender System 15   Matrix  userItem

     =  new  Matrix();   Matrix  coOcc  =  new  Matrix();   Item-­‐A   Item-­‐B   User-­‐A   4   5   User-­‐B   0   5   Item-­‐A   Item-­‐B   Item-­‐A   1   1   Item-­‐B   1   2   User-­‐Item  matrix  (UI)   Co-­‐Occurrence  matrix  (CO)  
  11. Mutable State in a Recommender System 16   Matrix  userItem

     =  new  Matrix();   Matrix  coOcc  =  new  Matrix();   void  addRa>ng(int  user,  int  item,  int  ra>ng)  {            userItem.setElement(user,  item,  ra:ng);          updateCoOccurrence(coOcc,  userItem);   }   Item-­‐A   Item-­‐B   User-­‐A   4   5   User-­‐B   0   5   Item-­‐A   Item-­‐B   Item-­‐A   1   1   Item-­‐B   1   2   User-­‐Item  matrix  (UI)   Co-­‐Occurrence  matrix  (CO)   Update   with  new   ra:ngs  
  12. Mutable State in a Recommender System 17   Matrix  userItem

     =  new  Matrix();   Matrix  coOcc  =  new  Matrix();   void  addRa>ng(int  user,  int  item,  int  ra>ng)  {            userItem.setElement(user,  item,  ra:ng);          updateCoOccurrence(coOcc,  userItem);   }   Vector  getRec(int  user)  {          Vector  userRow  =  userItem.getRow(user);          Vector  userRec  =  coOcc.mul:ply(userRow);            return  userRec;   }   Item-­‐A   Item-­‐B   User-­‐A   4   5   User-­‐B   0   5   Item-­‐A   Item-­‐B   Item-­‐A   1   1   Item-­‐B   1   2   User-­‐Item  matrix  (UI)   Co-­‐Occurrence  matrix  (CO)   Update   with  new   ra:ngs   Mul:ply  for   recommenda:on   User-­‐B   1   2   x  
  13. 18   Challenges When Executing with Big Data Big  Data

     Problem:   Matrices   become  large   >  Mutable  state  leads  to  concise  algorithms  but   complicates  parallelism  and  fault  tolerance   Matrix  userItem  =  new  Matrix();   Matrix  coOcc  =  new  Matrix();   >  Cannot  lose  state  aRer  failure   >  Need  to  manage  state  to  support  data-­‐parallelism  
  14. 19   Using Current Distributed Data"ow Frameworks Input   data

      Output   data   >  No  mutable  state  simplifies  fault  tolerance   >  MapReduce:  Map  and  Reduce  tasks   >  Storm:  No  support  for  state   >  Spark:  Immutable  RDDs  
  15. 20   >  Programming  distributed  dataflow  graphs   requires  learning

     new  programming  models   Imperative Big Data Processing
  16. 21   Our  Goal:   Run  Java  programs  with  mutable

     state  but  with     performance  and  fault  tolerance  of     distributed  dataflow  systems   >  Programming  distributed  dataflow  graphs   requires  learning  new  programming  models   Imperative Big Data Processing
  17. 22   >  @Annota>ons  help  with  transla>on  from  Java  to

     SDGs   >  Mutable  distributed  state  in  dataflow  graphs   Stateful Data"ow Graphs: From Imperative Programs to Distributed Data"ows Program.java   SDGs:  Stateful  Dataflow  Graphs   >  Checkpoint-­‐based  fault  tolerance  recovers  mutable  state     aRer  failure  
  18. •  Mo:va:on   •  SDG:  Stateful  Dataflow  Graphs   • 

    Handling  distributed  state  in  SDGs   •  Transla:ng  Java  programs  to  SDGs   •  Checkpoint-­‐based  fault  tolerance  for  SDGs   •  Experimental  evalua:on   23   Outline Program.java  
  19. SDG: Data, State and Computation >  SDGs  separate  data  and

     state   to  allow  data  and  pipeline  parallelism   24   Task  Elements  (TEs)   process  data   State  Elements  (SEs)   represent  state   Dataflows   represent     data   >  Task  Elements  have  local  access  to  State  Elements  
  20. State  Elements  support  two  abstrac:ons  for   distributed  mutable  state

      –  Par>>oned  SEs:  task  elements  always  access   state  by  key   –  Par>al  SEs:  task  elements  can  access     complete  state   25   Distributed Mutable State
  21. 26   Distributed Mutable State: Partitioned SEs Dataflow  routed  according

     to     hash  func:on   Item-­‐A   Item-­‐B   User-­‐A   4   5   User-­‐B   0   5   Access   by  key   State  par::oned  according   to  par>>oning  key   >  Par>>oned  SEs  split  into  disjoint  par::ons   User-­‐Item  matrix  (UI)   hash(msg.id)   Key  space:  [0-­‐N]   [0-­‐k]   [(k+1)-­‐N]  
  22. 27   Distributed Mutable State: Partial SEs Local  access:  

    Data  sent  to  one   Global  access:   Data  sent  to  all   >  Par>al  SE  gives  nodes  local  state  instances   >  Par>al  SE  access  by  TEs  can  be  local  or  global  
  23. 28   Merging Distributed Mutable State Merge  logic   >

     Requires  applica:on-­‐specific  merge  logic   >  Reading  all  par:al  SE  instances  results  in   set  of  par>al  values  
  24. 29   Merging Distributed Mutable State Mul:ple   par:al  values

      Merge  logic   >  Requires  applica:on-­‐specific  merge  logic   >  Reading  all  par:al  SE  instances  results  in   set  of  par>al  values  
  25. 30   Merging Distributed Mutable State Mul:ple   par:al  values

      Collect  par:al   values   Merge  logic   >  Requires  applica:on-­‐specific  merge  logic   >  Reading  all  par:al  SE  instances  results  in   set  of  par>al  values  
  26. 31   Outline >  @Annota>ons   •  Mo:va:on   • 

    SDG:  Stateful  Dataflow  Graphs   •  Handling  distributed  state  in  SDGs   •  Transla>ng  Java  programs  to  SDGs   •  Checkpoint-­‐based  fault  tolerance  for  SDGs   •  Experimental  evalua:on   Program.java  
  27. 32   From Imperative Code to Execution SEEP   Annotated

        program   >  SEEP:  data-­‐parallel  processing  plaborm   •  Transla:on  occurs  in  two  stages:   –  Sta<c  code  analysis:  From  Java  to  SDG   –  Bytecode  rewri<ng:  From  SDG  to  SEEP  [SIGMOD’13]   Program.java  
  28. Program.java   33   Extract  TEs,  SEs   and  accesses

      Live  variable   analysis   TE  and  SE  access   code  assembly   SEEP  runnable   SOOT   Framework   Javassist   >  Extract  state  and  state  access  paderns  through  sta:c  code  analysis   >  Genera:on  of  runnable  code  using  TE  and  SE  connec:ons   Translation Process
  29. Program.java   34   Extract  TEs,  SEs   and  accesses

      Live  variable   analysis   TE  and  SE  access   code  assembly   SEEP  runnable   SOOT   Framework   Javassist   >  Extract  state  and  state  access  paderns  through  sta:c  code  analysis   >  Genera:on  of  runnable  code  using  TE  and  SE  connec:ons   Translation Process Annotated     Program.java  
  30. 35   @Par>>oned  Matrix  userItem  =  new  SeepMatrix();   Matrix

     coOcc  =  new  Matrix();     void  addRa:ng(int  user,  int  item,  int  ra:ng)  {        userItem.setElement(user,  item,  ra:ng);      updateCoOccurrence(coOcc,  userItem);   }     Vector  getRec(int  user)  {      Vector  userRow  =  userItem.getRow(user);      Vector  userRec  =  coOcc.mul:ply(userRow);        return  userRec;   }     Partitioned State Annotation >  @Par>>on  field  annota>on  indicates  par<<oned  state   hash(msg.id)  
  31. 36   @Par::oned  Matrix  userItem  =  new  SeepMatrix();   @Par>al

     Matrix  coOcc  =  new  SeepMatrix();     void  addRa:ng(int  user,  int  item,  int  ra:ng)  {        userItem.setElement(user,  item,  ra:ng);      updateCoOccurrence(@Global  coOcc,  userItem);   }   Partial State and Global Annotations >  @Global  annotates  variable  to  indicate   access  to  all  par:al  instances   >  @Par>al  field  annota>on  indicates  par<al  state  
  32. 37   @Par::oned  Matrix  userItem  =  new  SeepMatrix();   @Par>al

     Matrix  coOcc  =  new  SeepMatrix();     Vector  getRec(int  user)  {      Vector  userRow  =  userItem.getRow(user);      @Par>al  Vector  puRec  =  @Global  coOcc.mul:ply(userRow);        Vector  userRec  =  merge(puRec);      return  userRec;   }     Vector  merge(@Collec>on  Vector[]  v){      /*…*/   }     Partial and Collection Annotations >  @Collec>on  annota:on  indicates  merge  logic  
  33. 38   Outline >  Failures   •  Mo:va:on   • 

    SDG:  Stateful  Dataflow  Graphs   •  Handling  distributed  state  in  SDGs   •  Transla:ng  Java  programs  to  SDGs   •  Checkpoint-­‐Based  fault  tolerance  for  SDGs   •  Experimental  evalua:on   Program.java  
  34. 39   Challenges of Making SDGs Fault Tolerant Physical  deployment

     of  SDG   >  Node  failures  may     lead  to  state  loss   >  Task  elements  access   local  in-­‐memory  state  
  35. 40   Challenges of Making SDGs Fault Tolerant RAM  

    RAM   Physical  deployment  of  SDG   >  Node  failures  may     lead  to  state  loss   >  Task  elements  access   local  in-­‐memory  state   Physical   nodes  
  36. 41   RAM   RAM   Physical  deployment  of  SDG

      >  Node  failures  may     lead  to  state  loss   Checkpoin>ng  State   •  No  updates  allowed  while  state   is  being  checkpointed   •  Checkpoin:ng  state  should  not   impact  data  processing  path   >  Task  elements  access   local  in-­‐memory  state   Physical   nodes   Challenges of Making SDGs Fault Tolerant
  37. 42   RAM   RAM   Physical  deployment  of  SDG

      •  Backups  large  and  cannot  be   stored  in  memory   •  Large  writes  to  disk  through   network  have  high  cost   State  Backup   >  Node  failures  may     lead  to  state  loss   Checkpoin>ng  State   •  No  updates  allowed  while  state   is  being  checkpointed   •  Checkpoin:ng  state  should  not   impact  data  processing  path   >  Task  elements  access   local  in-­‐memory  state   Physical   nodes   Challenges of Making SDGs Fault Tolerant
  38. 43   Checkpoint Mechanism for Fault Tolerance 1.  Freeze  mutable

     state  for  checkpoin:ng   2.  Dirty  state  supports  updates  concurrently   3.  Reconcile  dirty  state   Asynchronous,  lock-­‐free  checkpoin>ng     Dirty  state  
  39. 44   Distributed M to N Checkpoint Backup M  to

     N  distributed  backup  and   parallel  recovery  
  40. 45   Distributed M to N Checkpoint Backup M  to

     N  distributed  backup  and   parallel  recovery  
  41. 46   M  to  N  distributed  backup  and   parallel

     recovery   Distributed M to N Checkpoint Backup
  42. 47   M  to  N  distributed  backup  and   parallel

     recovery   Distributed M to N Checkpoint Backup
  43. 48   M  to  N  distributed  backup  and   parallel

     recovery   Distributed M to N Checkpoint Backup
  44. 49   M  to  N  distributed  backup  and   parallel

     recovery   Distributed M to N Checkpoint Backup
  45. 50   M  to  N  distributed  backup  and   parallel

     recovery   Distributed M to N Checkpoint Backup
  46. 51   M  to  N  distributed  backup  and   parallel

     recovery   Distributed M to N Checkpoint Backup
  47. 52   M  to  N  distributed  backup  and   parallel

     recovery   Distributed M to N Checkpoint Backup
  48. How  does  mutable  state  impact  performance?   How  efficient  are

     translated  SDGs?   What  is  the  throughput/latency  trade-­‐off?   Experimental  set-­‐up:   –  Amazon  EC2  (c1  and  m1  xlarge  instances)   –  Private  cluster  (4-­‐core  3.4  GHz  Intel  Xeon  servers  with  8  GB  RAM  )   –  Sun  Java  7,  Ubuntu  12.04,  Linux  kernel  3.10   53   Evaluation of SDG Performance
  49. 54   0 5 10 15 20 1:5 1:2 1:1

    2:1 5:1 100 1000 Throughput (1000 requests/s) Latency (ms) Workload (state read/write ratio) Throughput Latency Combines  batch  and  online  processing  to  serve  fresh   results  over  large  mutable  state   Processing with Large Mutable State >  addRa:ng  and  getRec  func:ons  from  recommender   algorithm,  while  changing  read/write  ra:o  
  50. 55   0 10 20 30 40 50 60 25

    50 75 100 Throughput (GB/s) Number of nodes SDG Spark Translated  SDG  achieves  performance     similar  to  non-­‐mutable  dataflow   >  Batch-­‐oriented,  itera:ve  logis:c  regression   E#ciency of Translated SDG
  51. 56   SDGs  achieve  high  throughput  while  main>ng  low  latency

      Latency/Throughput Tradeo$ >  Streaming  word  count  query,  repor:ng   counts  over  windows   0 50 100 150 200 250 10 100 1000 10000 Throughput (1000 requests/s) Window size (ms) SDG Naiad-LowLatency
  52. 57   SDGs  achieve  high  throughput  while  main>ng  low  latency

      Latency/Throughput Tradeo$ >  Streaming  word  count  query,  repor:ng   counts  over  windows   0 50 100 150 200 250 10 100 1000 10000 Throughput (1000 requests/s) Window size (ms) SDG Naiad-LowLatency 0 50 100 150 200 250 10 100 1000 10000 Throughput (1000 requests/s) Window size (ms) Naiad-HighThroughput SDG Streaming Spark
  53. 58   SDGs  achieve  high  throughput  while  main>ng  low  latency

      Latency/Throughput Tradeo$ >  Streaming  word  count  query,  repor:ng   counts  over  windows   0 50 100 150 200 250 10 100 1000 10000 Throughput (1000 requests/s) Window size (ms) SDG Naiad-LowLatency 0 50 100 150 200 250 10 100 1000 10000 Throughput (1000 requests/s) Window size (ms) Naiad-HighThroughput SDG Streaming Spark 0 50 100 150 200 250 10 100 1000 10000 Throughput (1000 requests/s) Window size (ms) Naiad-HighThroughput SDG Streaming Spark Naiad-LowLatency
  54. Running  Java  programs  with  the  performance  of   current  distributed

     dataflow  frameworks   SDG:  Stateful  Dataflow  Graphs   – Abstrac:ons  for  distributed  mutable  state   – Annota>ons  to  disambiguate  types  of   distributed  state  and  state  access   – Checkpoint-­‐based  fault  tolerance  mechanism   59   Summary
  55. Running  Java  programs  with  the  performance  of   current  distributed

     dataflow  frameworks   SDG:  Stateful  Dataflow  Graphs   – Abstrac:ons  for  distributed  mutable  state   – Annota>ons  to  disambiguate  types  of   distributed  state  and  state  access   – Checkpoint-­‐based  fault  tolerance  mechanism   60   Summary Thank  you!   Any  Ques>ons?   @raulcfernandez   [email protected]   hEps://github.com/lsds/Seep/   hEps://github.com/raulcf/SEEPng/  
  56. 62   0 0.5 1 1.5 2 50 100 150

    200 1 10 100 1000 Throughput (million requests/s) Latency (ms) Aggregated memory (GB) Throughput Latency Support  large  state  without  compromising  throughput   or  latency  while  staying  fault  tolerant   Scalability  on  State  Size  and  Throughput   >  Increase  state  size  in  a  mutated  KV  store  
  57. 63   Itera:on  in  SDG   >  Local  itera>on  supported

     by  one  node   >  Itera>on  across  TEs  requires  cycle  in  the  dataflow  
  58. •  Par::on   •  Par:al   •  Global   • 

    Par:al   •  Collec:on   •  Data  annota:ons   – Batch   – Stream   64   Types  of  Annota:ons  
  59. Overhead  of  SDG  Fault  Tolerance   65   1 10

    100 1000 10000 No FT 1 2 3 4 5 Latency (ms) State size (GB) 1 10 100 1000 2 4 6 8 10 No FT Latency (ms) Checkpoint frequency (s) Fault  Tolerance  mechanism   impact  on  performance  and   latency  is  small.   State  size  and  checkpoin>ng   Frequency  do  not  affect  the   performance  
  60. 66   0 2 4 6 8 10 10 100

    1000 2000 0 20 40 60 80 100 Throughput (10,000 requests/s) Latency (ms) Aggregated memory (MB) SDG Naiad-NoDisk Naiad-Disk SDG (latency) Naiad-NoDisk (latency) Fault  Tolerance  Overhead  
  61. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1

    2 4 Recovery time (s) State size (GB) 1-to-1 recovery 2-to-1 recovery 1-to-2 recovery 2-to-2 recovery 67   Recovery  Times  
  62. 68   0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0

    10 20 30 40 50 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 Throughput (1000 request/s) Number of nodes Time (s) Throughput Nodes Stragglers  
  63. 69   0 50 100 150 200 250 1 2

    3 4 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Throughput (1000 requests/s) Latency (s) State size (GB) T'put (Sync) Latency (Sync) T'put (Async) Fault  Tolerance  Sync.  Vs.  Async.  
  64. System   Large  State   Mutable  State   Low  Latency

      Itera>on   MapReduce   n/a   n/a   No   No   Spark   n/a   n/a   No   Yes   Storm   n/a   n/a   Yes   No   Naiad   No   Yes   Yes   Yes   SDG   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   70   Comparison  to  State-­‐of-­‐the-­‐Art   SDGs  are  first  stateful  fault  tolerant  model;  enabling   execu:on  of  impera:ve  code  with  explicit  state  
  65. 71   Characteris:cs  of  SDGs   >  Run>me  Data  Parallelism

      (elas>city)   >  Support  for  Cyclic  Graphs   >  Low  Latency   Adapta:on  to  varying  workloads     and  mechanism  against  stragglers   Efficiently  represent  itera:ve     algorithms   Pipelining  tasks  decreases     latency  
  66. 72   Bob   Local  Expert   Hi,  I  have

     a  query  to  run  on  “Big  Data”   Ok,  cool,  tell  me  about  it   I  want  to  know  sales  per  employee  on  Saturdays   …  well  …  ok,  come  in  3  days   Well,  this  is  actually  preWy  urgent…   …  2  days,  I’m  preWy  busy   2  Days  Ayer   Hi!  You  have  the  results?   Yes,  here  you  have  your  sales  last  Saturday   My  sales?  I  meant  all  employee  sales,  and  not  only  last  Saturday   ups,  sorry  for  that,  give  me  2  days…