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Measuring DevRel programs DevRelCon London

December 10, 2019

Measuring DevRel programs DevRelCon London

Measuring DevRel programs far beyond marketing activities

Outreach and marketing activities (e.g events, documentation, trainings) might be the most visible part of developer relations. At that point, there are indeed good tooling and well defined metrics. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, and is time to face that DevRel activities go far beyond this. What about the other DevRel activities, such as community, product and support? Are we measuring DevRel programs in the right way?

During this talk, Ana Jimenez will share a list of useful metrics and KPIs for DevRel programs, showing different ways to measure developer engagement, developer acquisition and developer satisfaction.


December 10, 2019


  1. devrel Roles can report to different departments share this slide!

    @Anajsana95 Source: The state of Developer Relations
  2. all DevRel roles are connected ;) whatever your target is,

    always BUild relationships with Developers share this slide! @Anajsana95 Source: Open Source contributors funnel
  3. MAILING LISTS CHATS Documentation Tickets/Issues system Q&a forums Code review

    meetings and events Social media If Developers are everywhere… a Devrel should be there too (*_*) share this slide! @Anajsana95
  4. with this You can get the developer retention rate! share

    this slide! @Anajsana95 Source: CHAOSS.BITERG.IO
  5. profiling developer communities using data sources ‘user’ community ‘contributors’ community

    ‘Maintainer’ community Source: CHAOSS.BITERG.IO developer engagement by data sources share this slide! @Anajsana95
  6. Can we find personas pattern? Source: CHAOSS.BITERG.IO getting the big

    picture of your community can help! share this slide! @Anajsana95
  7. ospo new department for a devrel role? be aware! a

    designated place where open source related activities and roles are centralized and grow inside a company. Source: the newstack.io = open source program offices Source: todogroup.org
  8. Time to merge non-uber developers PR 20.5 hours Time to

    merge uber developers PR 11 hours VS Source:uber.biterg.io Uber OSPO Use case share this slide! @Anajsana95
  9. Devrel is about building relationships, it’s about community be near

    your developers! explore the same places they visit to know them understand metrics takes time… and domain knowledge share this slide! @Anajsana95