Apache JMeter is a great tool for simulating performance testing on web-applications, but it may seem tricky at first glance. Check out this presentation to learn how to create your first JMeter script from scratch.
a great tool for simulaAng performance tesAng on web-‐applicaAons, but it may seem tricky at first glance. Learn how to create your first JMeter script from scratch.
website • Unzip the distribuAon and copy it into a folder on your computer. • Make sure you have JRE 1.6 or above to run JMeter, because it's wriTen in pure JAVA. • If you are running WINDOWS-‐ Go to $JMETER_HOME/bin and run jMeter.bat – or if you’re using *nix –Go to JMeter
allow us to set variables, which can be used in any other part of the script • These values can be set up as a variables -‐ eliminaAng the need to update the script. #2 Table • Is used for making test plan databases in order to make the JDBC driver visible for JMeter and execute the SQL queries. • Add JDBC *.jar to this table, and JMeter will recognize it.
Thread Groups will be executed one by one. This may be useful in cases like when the first Thread Group prepares test-‐data for a test, and the next one uses this set. Run Thread Group ConsecuAvely
tests because it has a set of elements which allows page retrieval from the server. Using the funcAonal test mode saves more informaAon about each request. Consumes more memory for processing the data stream. FuncAonal Test Mode
HTTP Request controllers use. For example: if you are creaAng a Test Plan with 25 HTTP Request controllers and all of the requests are being sent to the same server, you could add a single HTTP Request Defaults element with the "Server Name or IP" field filled in. Use the same URL for all requests. Add that the site that will be stress tested.
one, without any delay. Naturally, there is a delay between thoughts and therefore user think-‐Ame needs to be emulated. JMeter has a set of Timers, which allows users to set up a pause between different requests. Add Constant Timer to generate the delay for the fixed amount of Ame.
emulaAng the browser's work with cookies. HTTP Cache Manager: used for saving downloaded pages in cache during the first request, so they can be returned to Listener without downloading. This approach, obviously, has influence on test results.
during debugging tests. View Results Tree is related to memory consumpAon because it stores, in memory, all the results of requests. If it is used while there are many virtual users, the memory will run out. So remove or disable the View Results Tree all other graphic listeners before running a test.