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Top 5 Public Relation Tips

Top 5 Public Relation Tips

After seven years of success and raising tens of millions, Bradley Listermann managed a profitable exit strategy by selling NetStreet and was introduced to international filmmaking and financing.

Bradley Listermann

December 28, 2021

Other Decks in Business


  1. If your customers are to be found on social media,

    target the relevant ones and communicate with them regularly. They are an excellent way of reaching a large number of people for free. SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT:-
  2. Be clear and transparent about your product and make sure

    that your business practices – not just your marketing – lives and breathes your brand values. LIVE UP TO BRAND VALUES
  3. Offer yourself to speak at events or hold your own

    and invite journalists and partner companies along. SPEAK OUT:-
  4. SWEET TALK:- Lastly, talk to people! Talk to your suppliers,

    your friends, your relatives, your postman – tell them about the wonderful things your company does.
  5. SHARE NEWS AND EXPERTISE Write blogs for the company website

    – If you need ideas to kick-start writing, many business organizations.
  6. After seven years of success and raising tens of millions,

    Bradley Listermann managed a profitable exit strategy by selling NetStreet and was introduced to international filmmaking and financing. ABOUT BRADLEY LISTERMANN:-