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How we make good: Having hope, making change, a...

How we make good: Having hope, making change, and helping out in the Worst Timeline

We are in the Worst Timeline. But together, ALL TOGETHER, we can make it better. Moment by moment. Bit by bit. Drop by drop.


May 02, 2019

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Brady Kriss :: ragtag.org :: RailsConf 2019 How we make

    good Having hope, making change, and helping out in the Worst Timeline.
  2. Brady Kriss :: ragtag.org :: RailsConf 2019 Never forget that

    the injustice you read about in this morning’s news is the daily life experience of another human being.
  3. Brady Kriss :: ragtag.org :: RailsConf 2019 The first step

    to making good in this world is bearing witness to the terribleness.
  4. Brady Kriss :: ragtag.org :: RailsConf 2019 Courageously bearing witness

    regardless of what the circumstance is because you’re choosing to be the kind of person of integrity to the best of your ability, before the worms get your body. Cornel West, as quoted by Beyonce.
  5. Brady Kriss :: ragtag.org :: RailsConf 2019 Great buckets •

    Call your reps (try @make5calls) • Boycott things that are bad (see @slpng_giants) • Walkouts • Donations • Petitions