Do you wish your home was smarter? It's okay to admit that your home is dumb, no one will judge you. Are you interested in possibly making your home smarter, but you've only gotten as far as a free Nest Thermostat from the electric company and a couple of Phillips Hue lightbulbs that you insist on using your phone to turn off and on? Are you in the market for a connected home hub but you aren't quite sure which one to bet on and which device communication protocols it does (and doesn't) support. In this session, Brandon will survey the latest and greatest in so called "Smart Home" technology before outright dismissing all off the shelf systems as total crap. With that out of the way, he'll walk through some of the ins and outs of building your own damn connected home, just as he's doing himself in a old and very dumb home that he just talked himself into buying. If you'd love to see Brandon try, fail and sometimes succeed in building his own home of the future, this is the session for you. Because, really, if Brandon can build his own Smart Home, you can too.