up ▪ Never gonna let you down ▪ Never gonna run around and desert you ▪ Never gonna make you cry ▪ Never gonna say goodbye ▪ Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Today, the U.S. consumer spends an average of 2 hours and 38 minutes per day on smartphones and tablets. 80% of that time (2 hours and 7 minutes) is spent inside apps and 20% (31 minutes) is spent on the mobile web. “ - blog.flurry.com April, 2013
more than 30 minutes on a 2G network, and the download is likely to fail before completion, due to the flaky nature of the network. https://code.facebook.com/posts/1365439333482197/how-we- built-facebook-lite-for-every-android-phone-and-network
an app is whether or not the user is willing to give away their precious disk space to the app… With space this limited, the user is comparing their personal photo collection with the adoption of a new app on their phone. Mobile App Developers Are Suffering, Branch https://blog.branch.io/mobile-app-developers-are-suffering
with both our competitors and other apps for a few more MB of room inside people’s phones. https://medium.com/inside-birdly/why-you-shouldn-t-bother- creating-a-mobile-app-328af62fe0e5#.ufoave1x4
UI, regardless of what the manifest states ▪ When the user follows a link that takes the user out of the domain of the installed app, a new tab is spawned, with browser chrome. ▪ Opera doesn’t (yet) support background_color; this will be added in a forthcoming release.
update distribution lag ▪ require no app store or gatekeeper ▪ are a normal website on browsers such as Opera Mini, Safari, Windows phones ▪ searchable, indexable, linkable ▪ can work offline
someone write a specification for it. 3. Have some people write tests for it. 4. Have one browser implement it. 5. Have another browser implement it. 6. [etc] 7. Have people document it.
that expose the possibilities of the underlying platform as closely as possible. They should also seed the discussion of high- level APIs through JavaScript implementations of new features “
a fairly simple operation. A request goes in, a response comes out. The details of that operation are however quite involved and used to not be written down carefully and differ from one API to the next. “
to write more declarative code, not less. This calls for eliminating the standards bottleneck to introducing new declarative forms, and giving library and framework authors the tools to create them. - extensiblewebmanifesto.org
custom display value and own layout computations making whole classes of new proposals possible to figure out in the community and without impossibly complex barriers. pantomime-horse: {display: --unicorn;}
animations, • iphone-style contact lists, • physics-based animations. Scripted effects (driven by requestAnimationFrame, response to onscroll, etc) are flexible and powerful, but are subject to main thread jank. they're the only way to create common effects such as
runs at the rate of threaded scrolling and animation. Allow DOM elements to be wrapped in a CompositorProxy which may be sent to a CompositorWorker and which exposes a limited set of accelerated properties and input events.
high-level features are the cornerstone on which we will allow the Web not just to generally improve, but to remain interesting and competitive for decades — and recapture some of the most important things that made it successful in the first place. “ Brian Kardell
with its walled competitors, there must be a clear path for good ideas by web developers to become part of the infrastructure of the web. “ - extensiblewebmanifesto.org
srcset, or sizes… To get them done we had to punch a hole through the thick technical, cultural, and institutional walls that separate the people who make browsers from the people who make websites. “ <picture> element - Mat Marquis (Wilto)
Schepers (@shepazu), used with permission • The Selecter: By Braunov - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3140115 • Stare photo Milner Moshe https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sartre_1967_crop.jpg • Apps vs Web graphs by Flurry, used by permission • World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2016