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Towards a Model to Transfer Knowledge from Soft...

Bruno Cartaxo
November 08, 2017

Towards a Model to Transfer Knowledge from Software Engineering Research to Practice

Bruno Cartaxo

November 08, 2017

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  1. Brief INTRODUCTION into the research topic Evidence Based Software Engineering

    (EBSE) was introduced as a way to integrate the best research evidence with practice1 2 1. Kitchenham et al. Evidence-Based Software Engineering, ICSE 2004 Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) has been inspiring many research fields1
  2. Motivation and PROBLEM statement Some researches argue that systematic reviews

    lack connection with practice, hampering knowledge transfer 2,3,4 3 2. Hassler et al. Outcomes of a community workshop to identify and rank barriers to the systematic literature review process, EASE 2014 3. Da Silva et al. Six years of systematic literature reviews in software engineering: An updated tertiary study, IST, 2011 4. Santos and Da Silva. Motivation to perform systematic reviews and their impact on software engineering practice, ESEM 2013
  3. Research OBJECTIVE 4 To investigate, to propose, and to evaluate

    strategies to support researchers to transfer knowledge from systematic reviews to software engineering practice
  4. Background - EVIDENCE BRIEFINGS 5 Evidence Summary1 Briefing2 Contextual Summary3

    1. Khangura et al. Evidence summaries: the evolution of a rapid review approach. Systematic Reviews, 2012 2. Chambers et al. A framework for production of systematic review based briefings to support evidence-informed decision-making. Systematic reviews, 2012 3. Young et al. A guide for developing plain-language and contextual summaries of systematic reviews in agri-food public health. Foodborne pathogens and disease, 2014
  5. Background - RAPID REVIEWS 6 EBM researchers highlight four important

    points1,2,3 1. To deliver evidence in a timely manner 2. To reduce the high costs of too heavy methods 3. To conduct rapid reviews with active participation of practitioners 4. To report the results through mediums that fits practitioners' needs Rapid Reviews must be seen as an alternative method, not as a replacement of the traditional SR method 1. Tricco et al. A scoping review of rapid review methods. BMC Medicine, 2015 2. Khangura et al. Evidence summaries: the evolution of a rapid review approach. Systematic Reviews, 2012 3. Hartling et al. A taxonomy of rapid reviews links report types and methods to specific decision-making contexts. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2015 56% of rapid reviews were conducted on the last 3 years
  6. KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER MODEL 1. Barry Bozeman. Technology transfer and public

    policy: a review of research and theory. Research Policy, 2000. 7
  7. Research QUESTIONS 8 RQ1 How systematic reviews in software engineering

    COVER practitioners’ issues? By practitioners issues, we mean questions on Stack Exchange communities related to SE. RQ2 Can EVIDENCE BRIEFINGS play a role in transferring knowledge from systematic reviews in software engineering to practice? Aims to evaluate the perception of practitioners and researchers about the Evidence Brienfings RQ3 Can RAPID REVIEWS play a role in transferring knowledge from systematic reviews in software engineering to practice? Explore the applicability of Rapid Reviews in software engineering practice
  8. 10 ES1 METHOD OVERVIEW RQ1. How systematic reviews in software

    engineering cover practitioners’ issues? 1. Systematic Review Selection 2. Search String Extraction 3. StackExchange Communities Selection 4. Search for Practitioners’ Issues 5. False Positive Exclusion 6. Coverage Analysis
  9. 11 ES2 METHOD OVERVIEW RQ2. Can evidence briefings play a

    role in transferring knowledge from systematic reviews in software engineering to practice? 1. Systematic Reviews Selection 2. Systematic Reviews Data Extraction 3. Evidence Briefings Generation 4. Evidence Briefings Evaluation
  10. 12 ES3 METHOD OVERVIEW RQ3. Can Rapid Reviews play a

    role in transferring knowledge from systematic reviews in software engineering to practice? 1. Diagnosis 2. Action Planning 3. Action taking 4. Evaluation 5. Specifying learning
  11. CURRENT STATUS of the research and PLANNED next steps 13

    ES1 - Already conducted • 641 issues from 5 StackExchange websites were analyzed • 293 issues were considered as related to 4 systematic reviews about agile • 12% of them were considered as covered by the systematic reviews ES2 - Already conducted • Generated 12 briefings • 32 out of 146 StackExchange users responded (21.9%) • 7 out 22 SRs’ authors responded (31%) • Both practitioners and researchers positively evaluated the briefings ES3 - On going
  12. Points the author would like to get the most ADVICE

    on • How to identify practitioners’ issues? ◦ Interviews? ◦ Focus groups? • How to evaluate the impact of Rapid Reviews? ◦ Interviews asking practitioner’ perceptions? 14