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PipeCD Introduction -English-

PipeCD Introduction -English-

This is the article of PipeCD introduction

"Continuous Delivery for Declarative Kubernetes, Serverless and Infrastructure Applications"



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  1. Importance of CD 2 Commit Changes Build Test Staging Production

    Continuous Integration(CI) Continuous Delivery(CD) CD Automated Release DX Improvement Rapid and frequent releases Some elements that can be achieved with a good delivery process
  2. CD Maturity 3 • Deployment is not well procedural •

    Deployment is done manually Crawl • Deployment is procedural • Easy to deploy with scripts and UI Walk • Deployment data is versioned • Sensitive data is kept secret • The pipeline is sophisticated, and all delivery process is fully automated Run • More secure deployment • Rolling back quickly • Monitoring and analyzing deployment Fly As CD proficiency increases, developers can focus more on the essence and reduce the risk of release.
  3. The effect of CD maturity 4 Conventional Coding Build/Delivery QA/Test

    Production/Verify Sophisticated Not only delivery time but also efficiency of the entire release process can be expected. Short lead times and number of releases make software development competitive
  4. We need a more sophisticated delivery process • Flexibility to

    handle complex architectures ◦ Container Orchestration, Service Mesh ◦ Serverless Architecture • Release Safety ◦ Approve ◦ Canary Release, Blue-Green Deployment, etc... • Secure ◦ A completed CD in a user managed network ◦ Confidentiality • Low Cost ◦ Low learning costs by simple concepts and UI ◦ Inexpensive running cost 5
  5. 6

  6. Simple UI and visibility 7 The UI visualizes the state

    of the application in real time and clearly shows what happened at what timing
  7. Self-hosted Runner Model 9 Deployment is operated by piped in

    the cluster, and application credentials are not leaked to the outside Excellent maintainability and low cost operation
  8. Planning deployment types in the future 12 Cloud Run AWS

    Lambda [Alpha] [Alpha] [Incubating] Beta: Usable in production. Documented. Alpha: Demo-able, works end-to-end but has limitations. No guarantees on backward compatibility. Incubating: Under planning/developing the prototype and still not ready to be used. Amazon Elastic Container Service(ECS) [Incubating] [Incubating]
  9. Core features of Control Plane • [Beta] Sync and cancel

    deployment with Web UI • SSO ◦ [Beta] GitHub & GitHub Enterprise SSO ◦ [Incubating] Google, BitBucket • Self-Hosted Control Plane ◦ [Beta] GCP Stack(GKE + Firestore + GCS) ◦ [Incubating] AWS Stack(EKS + DynamoDB + S3) ◦ [Alpha] Custom(Self-Managed k8s Cluster + MongoDB+ MinIO etc) • Notifications ◦ [Beta] Slack ◦ [Incubating] Webhook • [Incubating] ImageWatcher 13 Beta: Usable in production. Documented. Alpha: Demo-able, works end-to-end but has limitations. No guarantees on backward compatibility. Incubating: Under planning/developing the prototype and still not ready to be used.