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Ruby on Rails/Sinatra for Enterprise Smart Ener...

Jesse Cai
November 18, 2012

Ruby on Rails/Sinatra for Enterprise Smart Energy Cloud Service

RubyConfChina 2012

Jesse Cai

November 18, 2012

Other Decks in Programming


  1. About me •  蔡望勤 Jesse Cai http://caiwangqin.com http://twitter.com/caiwangqin •  Ruby

    Developer since 2006 •  The Founder of China on Rails Community http://chinaonrails.com
  2. Overview Web portal - Ruby on Rails - Nodejs -

    Highcharts Mobile app - API with Sinatra - Sencha - PhoneGap - Google Chart Tools
  3. Cloud Service Advantages •  Reading energy usage in anytime anywhere

    •  Remote control •  Flexible policy to reduce energy and save money •  Be able to communication with 3rd parties •  Forecast monthly energy bills •  Remote firmware upgrade for device •  Remote monitoring and management of entire network
  4. Team build •  Keep team size small, 4-6 developers is

    ideal •  Have at least 2-3 ruby/rails/front-end expert on the team •  Auto test from the beginning
  5. Process •  Paired Programming if needed •  Daily morning meeting

    •  Weekly sprint plan •  Dedicated graphic designer, and a Product Manager
  6. Communication •  Continuous Integration server runs all automated tests (Hudson,

    Jenkins are good) •  Use Chat (Skype) to notify team about check-ins, deploys or failed builds
  7. •  Prototype & Design •  Project management & Communication • 

    Implementation •  Deployment •  Monitoring
  8. Redmine •  Multiple projects support •  Flexible role based access

    control •  Flexible issue tracking system •  Gantt chart and calendar •  Feeds & email notifications •  Time tracking •  Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users •  SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
  9. Common Libraries •  Rspec for testing •  Devise for authentication

    •  Twitter Bootstrap for early UI •  Capistrano for deploy
  10. Database MongoDB •  almost table-like •  full index support • 

    replication & high availability •  high write performance
  11. TDD •  Rspec - controllers - models - mailers -

    routing - views •  Code review •  Continuous Integration
  12. RubyGems •  gem - Package manager for Ruby •  Ruby

    community's gem hosting - http://rubygems.org/ - http://ruby.taobao.org/
  13. Architecture •  Varnish - web application accelerator •  Nginx -

    static assets •  Passenger - application server for Ruby (Rack) •  REE - Ruby Enterprise Edition •  Cloud - Amazon EC2 - Amazon CloudFront
  14. Cacti & Plugins & Templates Plugins Monitor Threshold Templates Memcached

    MongoDB Redis Nginx Varnish Template IO/Memory/ Process
  15. Growing Up •  Could be all in one box in

    the beginning •  Site usage grows, Responses get slow.
  16. Scaling Up •  Memcached •  Redis •  Action Cache • 

    Upgrade EC2 Instance to achieve - High Memory - High ECU - High I/O Performance
  17. Deployments and Downtime •  DNS round robin with two balancers

    and two public IP addresses to achieve almost Zero downtime. (because passenger restart can be several minutes for big application) •  MongoDB is schema less, do not need migrate •  Config MongoDB replica sets support auto failover
  18. Performance tuning Passenger: - Set instance number depends on server

    memory MongoDB: - At least 3 replSet instances for auto failover - Huge difference without index on query (when disk I/O in high load, probably you are querying without index in big collections)
  19. More Problems •  Huge concurrent write data •  Real time

    power consumption data reading •  Data integrity between cloud server and local devices •  Control device behind router •  Security •  License •  Global customers
  20. Bulk Insert •  Dedicated MongoDB for Devices upload usage data

    •  Minimize data package in json, e.g: - {"device_serial": "xxx"} -> {"s": "xxx"} •  Replica set secondary use for web portal and API - Write on Primary, Read on Secondary - Note there is latency between Primary to Secondary
  21. Real time •  Device post minutely power consumption data to

    server every 5 minutes - for power consumption data, almost real time
  22. Data Integrity •  Device connect to server through ethernet/ wifi/3G/LTE,

    the network may unstable •  Device may powered off sometimes - Local device store data for a month - Background ruby fork job scan data missing, and request data from local device when it become online. - Cron task monitor this process every minute, start it when not exist in processes.
  23. Control device behind router •  UDP heartbeat from device to

    server, it benefit on: - Notify device activity and network activity - Make server be able to send UDP message to device any time •  Delayed_job in background for command queue •  Retry when no feedback from end device
  24. Security •  Physical Security •  Data Protection and API Protection

    •  Authentication, Authorization and Accounting •  Secure Coding •  Threat defense - CRSF - XSS - SQL Injection •  Real-time monitoring, management and correlation