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Plone vs Drupal: A Civil Comparison

Plone vs Drupal: A Civil Comparison

An up-to-date and educated comparison of the latest versions of the two popular enterprise-grade CMSes from the perspective of Plone and Drupal experts.

Calvin Hendryx-Parker

October 27, 2016

More Decks by Calvin Hendryx-Parker

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  1. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Methodology • Installation and Deployment •

    Out-of-the-Box Experience • Adding Products or Modules • Adding and Editing Content • Customizations • Theming • Upgrades and Migrations • Hosting • Performance • Security • IP and Community
  2. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Plone Local Install • 3 clicks

    to get the 57MB tar ball • Run the `install.sh` script that will download and build the dependancies • Start the instance • Point your browser to the running instance
  3. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Drupal Local Install • Assuming you

    have MAMP, WAMP, or Acquia dev desktop pre installed • 3 clicks from drupal.org to download the 12MB tarball. • Extract into your webroot • Make a database in your technology of choice (MySQL, PostgreSQL) • Head to the site in your browser to run the install script via the web installer
  4. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Plone “Distributions” • CastleCMS provides a

    unique combination of world-class content management features and maximum security. https://castlecms.io/ • The Cyn.in portal utilizes Plone and the foundation for their social intranet project. http://cynapse.com/cyn-in/ • The Quaive project also starts with Plone 5 as the base for a knowledge sharing platform. http://quaive.com/
  5. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Customizing Plone • Buildout • Python

    Packages • Theme • Content • Policy
  6. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Customizing Drupal • Symphony • Drush

    • Drupal Console • Conductor • Heavy TTW Experience
  7. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 alpha%── tree -L 1 bartik bartik

    ├── bartik.breakpoints.yml ├── bartik.info.yml ├── bartik.libraries.yml ├── bartik.theme ├── color ├── config ├── css ├── images ├── logo.svg ├── screenshot.png └── templates
  8. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Plone Hosting • Plone can be

    run on many cloud services. • Small hosting could be: • 2 cores (if you are using ZEO) • 1GB of RAM
  9. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Plone Hosting • Digital Ocean Droplets

    starting at $20/mo • AWS EC2 instances T2.medium starting at $37/mo • Azure VMs A2 instance starting at $65/mo • Six Feet Up offers entry level Plone hosting via containers starting at $50/mo
  10. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Drupal Hosting • Drupal can be

    run on many cloud services. • Small hosting could be: • 2 cores • 1GB of RAM
  11. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Drupal Hosting • Can be DYI,

    but seems to be an ecosystem of interesting deployment choices: • pantheon.io starting at $25/mo • acquia.com (if you have to ask…) • platform.sh starting at $50/mo
  12. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Track Records Plone 5 Drupal 8

    2016 2 4 + 15 2015 1 0 Product Security Patch Releases
  13. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Plone • Plone Released in October

    2001 • Plone 5 Released in September 2015 • Plone Foundation created in 2004 • 103,811 commits made by 895 contributors representing 1,248,178 lines of code
  14. PLONE CONF BOSTON 2016 Drupal • Drupal Released in January

    2001 • Drupal 8 released November 2015 • Drupal Association created in 2009 • 31,150 commits made by 150 contributors representing 704,269 lines of code • Drupal Trademark owned and controlled by Dries Buytaert • All Drupal code is Copyright 2001 - 2013 by the original authors? • Backdrop Fork (D7)