do you run your dojo? • Dear GitHub: Can I come watch how your dojo runs? • Dear GitHub: Is there a mentor mailing list? • Dear GitHub: Is there a collection of lessons somewhere?
your dojo 2. Email 3. Request a free CoderDojo organization coupon 4. Provide proof (CoderDojo email, photo of your face on the site, etc.)
the repo • Prove they exist on the internet • Have lunch with them before adding them. No creeps. • Post ticket links in issues labeled with the session date • Mentors can manage their subscription settings through GitHub
address. • You can only communicate with people one “hop” away from you. • You can ask “Do you know where {IP} is?” • You can say “I know where {IP} is.” • You can say “I know someone who knows where {IP} is.” • You have to keep quiet so we don’t hear you.