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What's new in ruby Since 2.0.0

What's new in ruby Since 2.0.0

A short overview of new and changed things in Ruby since 2.0.0 given at the October 2014 Ruby Ireland meetup.

Source: https://github.com/chrismcg/presentations/blob/master/whats_new_in_ruby_since_200/whats_new_in_ruby_since_200.md

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Chris McGrath

October 22, 2014

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  1. Refinements module Stats refine Array do def mean inject(0) {

    |sum, x| sum + x } / size end end end 12
  2. Refinements a1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] a1.mean rescue "no

    mean method" # => "no mean method" using Stats a2 = [2, 4, 6, 8] a2.mean # => 5 a1.mean # => 2 13
  3. Refinements class Analyzer using Stats def initialize(array) @array = array

    end def summary { mean: @array.mean } end end 14
  4. Refinements a1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] analyzer = Analyzer.new(a1)

    a1.mean rescue "no mean method" # => "no mean method" analyzer.summary # => {:mean=>2} 15
  5. Refinements class Analyzer def short_summary { m: @array.mean } end

    end a1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] analyzer = Analyzer.new(a1) analyzer.summary # => {:mean=>2} analyzer.short_summary rescue "no mean method" # => "no mean method" 17
  6. Need$some$defaults def render(content, opts = {}) width = opts[:width] ||

    1920 height = opts[:height] || 1080 ... end render "* foo" 21
  7. :full%means%use%width%or%height%of%page def render(content, opts = {}) width = opts.fetch(:width) {

    1920 } width = @page.width if width == :full height = opts.fetch(:height) { 1080 } height = @page.height if height == :full ... end render "* foo", :width => :full render "* bar", :hieght => 786 # doesn't pick up on typo 22
  8. With%Ruby%2.x%keyword%arguments def render(content, width: 1920, height: 1080) width = @page.width

    if width == :full height = @page.height if height == :full ... end render "* foo" render "* bar", hieght: 786 # => # ~> -:7:in `<main>': unknown keyword: hieght (ArgumentError) 23
  9. If#the#user#must#specify#width def render(content, width:, height: 1080) width = @page.width if

    width == :full height = @page.height if height == :full end render "* foo" # ~> -:6:in `<main>': missing keyword: width (ArgumentError) 24
  10. Module#include+/+prepend class Analyzer include Stats def mean puts "Analyzer#mean" super

    end end Analyzer.ancestors # => [Analyzer, Stats, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] Analyzer.new.mean # => nil # >> Analyzer#mean # >> Stats#mean # >> Stats#mean no superclass mean method 29
  11. Module#include+/+prepend class Analyzer2 prepend Stats def mean puts "Analyzer2#mean" super

    rescue puts "Analyzer2#mean no superclass mean method" end end Analyzer2.ancestors # => [Stats, Analyzer2, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] Analyzer2.new.mean # => nil # >> Stats#mean # >> Analyzer2#mean # >> Analyzer2#mean no superclass mean method 30
  12. Cache&decorator a = Analyzer.new a.expensive_method # => 42 # >>

    thinking really hard! a.expensive_method # => 42 a.expensive_method # => 42 (This&could&of&course&be&generalized&with&meta&programming) 33
  13. %i#and#%I Create&arrays&of&symbols [1] pry(main)> n = 10 => 10 [2]

    pry(main)> %i(foo bar#{n}) => [:foo, :"bar\#{n}"] [3] pry(main)> %I(foo bar#{n}) => [:foo, :bar10] 37
  14. Excep&on#cause-(2.1) class Downloader class DownloadException < StandardError; end def download!

    begin raise "boom!" rescue RuntimeError raise DownloadException end end end 40
  15. Lazy%enumerators #lazy!can!be!called!on!any!enumerable.!Can!do!FP!style!stuff!like: [25] pry(main)> [1, 2, 3, 4].lazy.cycle.take(20) => #<Enumerator::Lazy:

    ...> [26] pry(main)> [1, 2, 3, 4].lazy.cycle.take(20).to_a => [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4] 42
  16. Kernel#itself+(2.2) [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2, 3, 5,

    6].group_by(&:itself) => {1=>[1, 1], 2=>[2, 2], 3=>[3, 3], 4=>[4], 5=>[5, 5], 6=>[6]} (This&is&my&favourite&new&method&name) 45