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Computational Attempts to Approach Magnetism in...

Computational Attempts to Approach Magnetism in Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

The approach to magnetic materials with DFT is a challenging task that is often overlooked.
This slides are about our journey to try to model some properties.

Federico Brivio

July 08, 2019

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  1. Computational Attempts to Approach Magnetism in Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

    Dr. Federico Brivio - Federico.Brivio@natur.cuni.cz 14th International conference on materials chemistry Raffaello Sanzio - La scuola di Atene
  2. 1 Intro Nachtigall’s group: Chemistry department - Albertov, 8 Resarch:

    2D-materials Mesoporous materials Metal- Coordination chemistry Particular focus catalysis |
  3. 3 Metal-Organic Frameworks MOF = metal nodes interconnected by organic

    linkers: - Tunability - Incorporation of Mt properties - Porousity They are suitable for different applications: - Catalysis - Gas storage/chromatography - drug delivery |
  4. 4 Kagome-MOF We considered two new synthetized MOF with Kagome

    lattice with Cu and Co as metal center, linker: tetrazole-5-carboxylate ethyl ester Structure hexagonal lattice Very stable (Solvent, pH, T) Magnetic properties |
  5. 5 Frustration Magnetic system can have several magnetic dispositions, in

    the case of triangular lattice, it is difficult to define Antiferromagnetic disposition. |
  6. 6 Magnetic Properties - Co AFM behaviour low T! But

    hysteresis suggests FM fraction. Kagome lattice generates frustration but long range order. Co2+, 3 d7 Small hysteresis low T = FM fraction Good fit with Curie-weiss law χmol = C/(T − Θ) AFM ordering Θ = −94K f = Θ/TN = 14.1 |
  7. 7 Magnetic Properties - Cu Complex behaviour: stronger interaction and

    frustration Cu2+, 3 d9 Small hysteresis low T = FM fraction Good fit with Curie-weiss law χmol = C/(T − Θ) Stronger interaction Θ = −531K f = Θ/TN = 10.2 |
  8. 8 Structure DFT needs some PRECISE input. This first step

    should be trivial, but it is delicate. Goal is MODEL not reality. Issues overlooked: Light elements not detected Different possibilities for oxidation states, H2 O vs OH– Disorder Thermal effects |
  9. 9 Structure Optimization We considered several structures: different oxidation states,

    n. H2 O Chemically reasonable. Symmetry was constrained to P3 |
  10. 10 Electronic structure DFT core business is electronic structure, and

    it is pretty reasonble: 1. DFT simply works! This is a source of abuse of DFT usage 2. Plenty of cases where DFT is not ideal 3. Our case is about magnetic properties! Issue of Magnetic material: electron are over-delocalized(wrong description of the exchange-kinetic energy component) DFT master recipe to improve results: 1. GGA $ * 2. GGA + U $ *** 3. HYBRIDS $$$ *** |
  11. 11 Cococcioni’s Method Hubbard scheme has some limitations: Semi-empirical Constant

    correction The idea: effective Hubbard parameter system dependent! Performed at a linear response regime UI = ∂EGGA ∂(nIf )2 − ∂EGGA 0 ∂(nIf )2 = χ−1 0 − χ−1 (1) Specific for your system! Physical Review B 71 (3), 035105 |
  12. 12 Electronic structure Issue of SCF convergence for B systems.

    1. GGA-PBESol metallic state 2. GGA+U Did semi-metallic Co-MOF GGA Co-MOF GGA+U |
  13. 13 Electronic structure Cu is affected by the same limitations.

    They d9 configuration results in a different configuration. Even large U parameters can not converge (PhysRevB.84.115108: Ud = 9.79eV , Up = 8.47eV ). Cu-MOF GGA Cu-MOF GGA+U |
  14. 14 Cococcioni’s Method Results 1. Hybrid functional did not converged

    (–> we did not try to change HF-parameter) 2. GGA+UC also did not We as a last resort used HSE06+U (Cococcioni) Co-MOF Cu-MOF |
  15. 15 Conclusion Extreme care in the definition of structures When

    dealing with magnetic system most approach can fail There is a strong temptation to ’tune’ |
  16. 16 Acknowledgement Thank you for your attention! I also want

    to thanks: - Prof. Nachtigall and the whole research group - CUCAM project - EU - European structural and investing funds and the MSMT This Presentation is powered by L A TEX- Beamer Class |