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Automating Your open Source Workflow With GitHu...

Automating Your open Source Workflow With GitHub Actions

Maintaining an OSS project can be tedious, especially when dealing with tasks manually. What if you could automate these tasks? I will share how to use GitHub Actions to create workflows for your project and save time to focus on the fun stuff: watching memes and cat videos.

Clifford Ouma

October 26, 2023

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  1. Speaker Clifford Ouma Open Source Community Manager Open Terms Archive

    Twitter: @clifford_ouma LinkedIn: Clifford Ouma
  2. What I will cover Maintaining OSS GitHub Actions to the

    rescue GitHub Actions in Open Source maintenance Conclusion
  3. www.community.elarian.com • Manage and maintain open source projects • Have

    the authority to accept or reject contributions • Grow a thriving community around the project Open Source Maintainers
  4. www.community.elarian.com • Coordinating workflow and communication with contributors • Managing

    workload and expectations from users • Creating a positive contributor onboarding experience • Rewarding and recognizing contributions and achievements of contributors Challenges faced by maintainers
  5. www.community.elarian.com • Reusable code to perform a task in a

    workflow • Uses the YAML syntax/files • Can run defined script to extend their functionality What are GitHub Actions?
  6. Key parts of a GitHub Actions www.community.elarian.com Event Specific activity

    that triggers the workflow Job A series of steps in a workflow executed by same runner Step A single task that can be executed in a job
  7. Bringing the concept of GitHub Actions into the context of

    Open Source maintainace 3. GitHub Actions in Open Source maintenance
  8. Issue Triaging • Labelling • Assigning • Closing • Commenting

    Pull Request Management • Checking • Testing • Reviewing • Merging Community management • Notifications • Appreciations • Welcoming and onboarding • Rewarding GitHub Actions in Open Source Maintenance Use Cases www.africastalking.com www.community.elarian.com
  9. Automatically assign issues to team or contributors Automatically label issues

    based on type, priority or status Close stale, resolved or duplicate issues Comment on issues with helpful information Issue Triaging
  10. Run code quality and standard checks on pull requests Request

    reviews from team or contributors Merge pull requests that pass all tests and have approvals Check in on progress from contributors Pull Request Management
  11. www.community.elarian.com • Allows you to reuse existing workflows in your

    own repositories or across different repositories • Works for workflows with a workflow_call trigger • Leverage uses keyword to reference the reusable workflow file Reusable GitHub Actions
  12. More resources to help you explore use of GitHub Actions

    in the world of Open Source 4. Resources and Links
  13. Contribute to Open Source for Good Make Open Source contributions

    to Digital Public Goods https://forgoodfirstissue.dev/ https://github.com/OpenTermsA rchive/contrib-declarations