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Design Thinking: Uncovering Insights

Design Thinking: Uncovering Insights

Explore essential tools for gaining insights in this design thinking workshop: empathy mapping and the 5 Whys. Discover how these techniques deepen understanding of customer needs and pinpoint the root cause of problems.

Learn the basics of empathy mapping and the 5 Whys, then engage in hands-on activities within a group setting. Collaboratively map out user experiences and emotions, using the 5 Whys to delve into underlying challenges.

By workshop end, gain valuable insights into user mindsets and behaviors, empowering human-centered problem-solving approaches.

Clifford Ouma

March 19, 2023

More Decks by Clifford Ouma

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  1. AGENDA WHAT IS DESIGN THINKING? Learn the five phases of

    the Design Thinking process UNDERSTAND EMPATHY MAPS Have a deeper understanding of empathy maps THE 5 WHYS Resolve problems by finding their root causes THE END
  2. 3 What is Design Thinking? Design thinking is a creative

    problem-solving process that focuses on a user-centered approach to create a solution that is technologically and economically feasible.
  3. 4 Ideate Identify problems to find solutions Define Express the

    problem in the form of POVs Empathize Observe, engage, and immerse Prototype Get ideas out and into the world Test Test, learn, iterate, and repeat 1 2 3 4 5 THE PROCESS
  4. 5 On demand television Ride and home sharing Foot activated

  5. 6 Our Problem statement Problem statement: Many Kenyan students in

    rural areas lack access to quality education resources.
  6. 1. WHAT DOES THE CUSTOMER/USER SEE? ◦ –– What does

    his environment look like? ◦ –– Where is the customer? What does he see? 2. WHAT DOES THE CUSTOMER/USER HEAR? ◦ –– What does the user/customer hear? ◦ –– Who influences him? Who speaks with him? 3. WHAT DOES THE CUSTOMER/USER THINK & FEEL? ◦ –– What emotions drives the customer/user? ◦ –– What do the customers/users think? ◦ –– What does it say about them and their attitudes? 4. WHAT DOES THE CUSTOMER/USER SAY & DO? ◦ –– What does the customer/user say? ◦ –– What are all the things the customer/user must do? ◦ –– Where does the user behave in a contradictory way? About empathy maps
  7. What Peter says: ◦ "I wish I had more books

    to read and learn from." ◦ "Walking to school every day is tiring and takes up a lot of my time." ◦ "I want to be an engineer when I grow up, but I don't know how to get there from here." ◦ "I wish I could learn more about the world outside of my village." Basic answers
  8. What Peter hears: ◦ "You should focus on your studies

    and do well in school." ◦ "There are no jobs in this area, so education is your only way out." ◦ "You need to work hard if you want to succeed in life." ◦ "It's tough to get a good education when resources are limited." Basic answers
  9. What Peter sees: ◦ Outdated textbooks and limited resources at

    school ◦ Other children in the village working in agriculture or other trades ◦ Limited technology and access to the internet Basic answers
  10. What Peter does: ◦ ◦ Walks several miles to and

    from school every day ◦ Studies hard and spends time learning at home ◦ Participates in community activities, such as farming and local sports teams ◦ Tries to be resourceful and creative with the limited resources available to him Basic answers
  11. What Peter thinks and feels: ◦ ◦ Frustrated by the

    lack of resources available to him ◦ Worried that he won't be able to achieve his goals because of his limited access to learning materials ◦ Eager to learn more about the world outside of his village ◦ Determined to work hard and succeed in his studies Basic answers
  12. ◦ Help us build a connection with user ◦ Puts

    the user at the center of our innovative process Why empathy maps
  13. ◦ Created by Taiichi Ohno of Toyota ◦ Breaks down

    high level problems to find their root cause 5 Whys
  14. 5 Whys ◦ Fuse blown -> Insufficient lubricant to bearing

    -> Pump not drawing lubricant -> Shaft is worn out -> No strainer allowing chips into machine ◦ Case Study: Airplane safety ◦ 5th Why is not the end
  15. 19 Reframe the Problem statement 1st Why Problem statement: Many

    Kenyan students in rural areas lack access to quality education resources.
  16. 20 Why does Peter have limited access to quality education

    resources? - Because he lives in a rural area with limited resources and outdated textbooks. Why are resources limited in Peter's village? - Because the village is located far from urban areas and lacks government funding for education. Why is there a lack of government funding for education in Peter's village? - Because the government allocates more resources to urban areas and doesn't prioritize rural education. Why doesn't the government prioritize rural education? - Because there is a lack of political will to address the issue and allocate resources to rural areas. Why is there a lack of political will to address the issue of rural education? - Because politicians are more focused on short-term goals and aren't held accountable by their constituents for neglecting rural education. Sample answers
  17. ◦ 1 sheet of paper per member ◦ Folded into

    8 rectangles and timer set for 8 minutes ◦ Sketch 1 idea per rectangle ◦ Stop when timer stops ◦ Brainstorming rules: 1. Don’t judge. Quantity not Quality 2. Stay focused and aligned. One convo a time. Visualize idea 3. Build on each other’s ideas Crazy 8’s