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Network Characters

April 19, 2021

Network Characters


April 19, 2021

More Decks by kkeeth

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 🙇 Sorry … 🙇 1. This slide is made in

    English. 2. I’m really bad at infrastructure and networking. Plz feedback for me called “Masakari” about my talk !!
  2. const my_info = { Name: ‘܂ݪ੟ਔ’, Position: ‘Servant Leader of

    FET’, Skills: ‘PHP, Node.js, TS, Ruby’, PokemonGO: ‘TL 40’, } About me
  3. const my_career = { 201303: ‘Graduate School’, 201510: ’S-cubism inc’,

    201708: ‘leprachaun.inc’, 202002: ‘YUMEMI Inc’, 202003: ‘YUMEMI, Board member’, } About me
  4. LAN(Local Area Network) • LAN in the home • In-house

    LAN • As a target word WAN(Wide Area Network)
  5. LAN(Local Area Network) • Wired LAN • Wireless LAN •

    e.g. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Infrared communication
  6. Wi-Fi • ≠ Wireless LAN • One of the standards

    for wireless LAN BTW…do you know what this means?
  7. Wi-Fi The Wi-Fi Alliance, an organization established in 1999, has

    tested and proven that the Wi-Fi connection works properly.
  8. TV Node Every single device that makes up a computer

    network diagram Game Console SP PC Router Printer Smart Speaker
  9. TV Link Pipes that connect nodes to each other Game

    Console SP PC Router Printer Smart Speaker
  10. Switch • Switching • A built-in function to determine whether

    or not to transfer the data to each connected device
  11. • A device for connecting multiple devices to the Internet

    or LAN • Routers determine the path and direction of the network (this is called the route) Router X A C B D Y E
  12. • Router has a routing table Router(routing table) %FTUJOBUJPO /FUXPSL