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#DecathlonTech BBL - Onboarder un dev dans votre équipe en moins de 30 minutes. Chiche ?

#DecathlonTech BBL - Onboarder un dev dans votre équipe en moins de 30 minutes. Chiche ?

On le sait tous : recruter un développeur(euse), c'est déjà long. Et quand il/elle arrive enfin, il lui faut des jours avant d'être productif: setup de l'environnement de dev, accès à l'env de test, choix de la première tâche...Et si on essayait de réduire ce temps à...30 minutes ?

Christopher MANEU

October 30, 2019

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  1. Christopher MANEU Azure Engineer & Advocate @ Microsoft R&D @cmaneu

    Onboarder un dev en moins de 30 minutes Chiche? Christopher MANEU Azure Engineer & Advocate @ Microsoft R&D @cmaneu
  2. @cmaneu chris@Azure:~$ # What’s existing? # Tools for non-tech onboarding

    # Tools for tech onboarding # Get inspiration from OSS cat agenda.md
  3. @cmaneu Create a dedicated channel Everybody can ask (dumb) questions

    Everyone is invited to answer them If the answer is in a doc, point to the doc Pro-Tip check for answered questions Put them in a KB / in a chatbot !
  4. @cmaneu What a dev needs to know? • Big picture

    • Collaboration • Code • Workflow • Security • Quality • Dependencies • First tasks • Monitoring • Code reviews • Troubleshooting guides • Sharing code • OSS policy • Moonlighting policy • Team schedule • …
  5. @cmaneu Dev Bootcamp programs • 2 to 6 weeks programs

    • Real-work assigned • Fix issues & bugs • Build internal tools • Making improvements • Update documentation! • Talks from senior engineers/leaders • Talks about the tech stack used at the company • “Q&A Bar” / Office Hours
  6. @cmaneu Use new hires to detect improvments • Via a

    « rapport d’étonnement » • Get newly hires to have a 10min presentation about an area of improvement they’ve seen in their first 90 days
  7. @cmaneu Create a contributing.md • Coding conventions • Styleguides •

    Reporting bug/features • Definition of done • Testing • Pull requests rules • How to ask questions
  8. Christopher MANEU Azure Engineer & Advocate @ Microsoft R&D @cmaneu

    Thanks ! Christopher MANEU Azure Engineer & Advocate @ Microsoft R&D @cmaneu