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"How to find first users for your iOS/macOS pro...

"How to find first users for your iOS/macOS project without a budget" by Lisa Dziuba

This talk will very useful for mobile developers, who would love to promote their side projects. Presentation is based on 2 years experience of running startup FlawlessApp — tool for iOS developers to compare original designs with the real app in the iOS simulator (https://flawlessapp.io/).

Brief presentation plan:

1. How to make a market research:
1.1. User Research
1.2. Competitors Reseach
2. How to define positioning (core message)
3. How to promote the product via free marketing channels:
3.1. Public launch
3.2. Direct sales
3.3. Monkey marketing
4. Summary

This talk was made for CocoaHeads Kyiv #12 which took place July 22 2017.

CocoaHeads Ukraine

July 22, 2017

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  1. Marke&ng For Engineers How to find first users for your

    iOS/macOS project without budget print(“Hello Cocoaheads Kyiv”) Hello marketing research. Hello competitors research. Hello user interview. Hello user persona. Hello brand positioning. Hello marketing channels. Hello marketing analytics. Hello data-driven decisions. Hello market, media and message. Hello product surveys. Hello UTM tags. Hello content marketing.
  2. Lisa Dziuba Marketer Swift Learner Open Source Contributor ! "

    # Co-founder, FlawlessApp.io lisa@flawlessapp.io @LisaDziuba $ Intro
  3. ! My 2 years with Flawless App Hackathon First Sale

    First Product Launch Pivot Seconds Product Launch Sales
  4. ☝ What is User Research? Create User Persona Prepare questions

    Talk to the user Make data-driven decision Find real users " # $ % ☎ Analyse Results
  5. User Research example: User Persona UI/UX Designer Emil Occupation Freelance

    designer, web mobile, Android, iOS , prefer remote work. Software Sketch, Photoshop, Slack, Invision, Dropbox, Todoist Demographict 20-30 years old, Europe, USA. Bachelor degree. Income 2000$ – 5000$ Interest Trevel, new gadgets, UI process, books
  6. User Research example: User Persona UI/UX Designer Emil Occupation Freelance

    designer, web mobile, Android, iOS , prefer remote work. Software Sketch, Photoshop, Slack, Invision, Dropbox, Todoist Demographict 20-30 years old, Europe, USA. Bachelor degree. Income 2000$ – 5000$ Interest Trevel, new gadgets, UI process, books Wrong
  7. example: User Persona Engineer Andrey Occupation Freelance Android/iOS developer, remote

    work, jun, middle. Software Android Sudion, Xcode, Slack, Dropbox, JIRA Demographict 22-30 years old, Europe, USA. Bachelor degree. Income 2000$ – 5000$ Interest Try new apps, self-discovery, explore results User Research
  8. example: User Persona Engineer Andrey Occupation Freelance Android/iOS developer, remote

    work, jun, middle. Software Android Sudion, Xcode, Slack, Dropbox, JIRA Demographict 22-30 years old, Europe, USA. Bachelor degree. Income 2000$ – 5000$ Interest Try new apps, self-discovery, explore results User Research Wrong
  9. example: Talk to users 1 2 3 Speak with friends

    in the industry & startup founders Ask friends, who are potential users to fill questionnaire Make offline interviews with potential users ̄\_(ϑ)_/ ̄ Our Results 7 answers in total Our Results Started working on the first version of Flawless App Our Results User Research Roadmap No Product First Product Version
  10. example: Talk to users 4 Go to offline events and

    talk with potential users 5 Proactively talk & meet with actual users The first version of Flawless App had problems Our Results 6 Write cold emails to experienced people in your industry, who can give you product feedback. New product strategy ! Our Results Tough feedback Our Results User Research Roadmap First Product Version Second Product Version
  11. ✅ Define value " Make features plan # Outline sales

    strategy $ Find online & offline places, where your users spend time User Research Goals
  12. ☝ What is Compe-tor Research? Make List of Competitors How

    are you better?! Analyse Available Resources 1. Website 2. Presentations 3. Traffic 4. Social Media 5. Sales 6. Team 7. Whatever is public Try Product Talk to their users Read users’ reviews Analyse
  13. example: Competitors research plan Compe&tors Research How to make list

    of compe&tors? Ask potential users for current solutions Search in Google/Twitter/Facebook Explore “Top 10 apps for…” articles Product Hunt search Analyse
  14. example: Questions, which needs the answers Compe&tors Research What you

    should look for: Positioning? Main features? Product focus? Users’ feedback? Media coverage (traffic and followers)? User acquisition? Growth?
  15. example: Research results Compe&tors Research A0er compe&tor research you should

    have answers to these ques&ons: ! How to differentiate in functionality & positioning " Where to promote your product # What marketing tactics work best $ What prices are appropriate in the industry Market research is endless %
  16. Posi%oning? ! Positioning = Your core values + Your big

    mission + Your uniqueness Positioning is more than features. It's what you truly believe in
  17. How to define your posi0oning? Ask Users 1. What is

    [my product] for you? 2. Examples of companies you trust? Fill This Formula For your target consumers who have a specific need or opportunity, your product/service will provide this solution. Different from competitors, your product has this unique advantage and offers this type of answers to consumers’ problems. Check competitors' positioning Find internal users’ motivation example: What we have done
  18. example: New positioning Posi%oning Posi%oning should come to the user's

    heard. It should be the basis for all your marke%ng: 1. Website texts ! 2. Social media " 3. Promo-messages # 4. Blog articles $ 5. Public communications % 6. Your believes &
  19. Free Marke(ng Public Launch 1 Public Launch ! Announce in

    the targeted communities that your product is publicly available! " Users and Sales Results
  20. Free Marke(ng Public Launch: Please, make some prepara(on before working

    with Target Communi(es: 1. Get involved in the community ! 2. Learn community rules & etiquette ☕ 3. Write custom messages for every group\subreddit\slack channel # 4. Make custom visuals $ 5. Find out where is appropriate place to post your announcements % 6. Make a posting schedule & example: Launch channels
  21. Free Marke(ng Public Launch: These are communi(es, which you have

    found during users & compe(tor research. example: Launch channels Target Communities Facebook groups Linkedin groups Subreddits Slack Channels Newsletters
  22. June 14 Lisa Dziuba ! Hi Swift enthusiasts! I’m Lisa,

    Swift learner and founder of Flawless App — macOS app for visual quality check right inside your iOS simulator. " We launched our product publicly and I would love to know your opinion on it: https://goo.gl/WafH5K Flawless helps to compare initial design with implementation right inside iOS simulator. # You can use overlay or split comparison mode for spotting any visual differences between expected design and implementation. Tool supports comparison of long and landscape screens, so you can check quality pixel by pixel for every design. Now I’m waiting to hear your feedback! With love from Kiev $ Free Marke(ng Public Launch: Facebook example: Facebook message
  23. Swift learner, Marketer, Founder 1mo Lisa Dziuba ! Hi Swift

    enthusiasts! I’m Lisa, Swift learner and founder of Flawless App — macOS app for visual quality check right inside your iOS simulator. " We launched our product publicly and I would love to know your opinion on it: https://goo.gl/WafH5K Flawless helps to compare initial design with implementation right inside iOS simulator. # You can use overlay or split comparison mode for spotting any visual differences between expected design and implementation. Tool supports comparison of long and landscape screens, so you can check quality pixel by pixel for every design. Now I’m waiting to hear your feedback! With love from Kiev $ Would love to hear your opinion % example: Linkedin message example Free Marke(ng Public Launch: Linkedin
  24. example: Newsletters Free Marke(ng Public Launch: Newsle7er 1. Find newsletters

    2. Subscribe & contribute 4. Define your product benefits for the newsletter readers 5. Think how you can help the newsletter (win-win approach) 6. Send cold email ✉
  25. Free Marke(ng Public Launch 1 Flawless App Public Launch Week

    1 Week 2 You can get such results as well ! " 19 sales ! 79 trials # 4865 users on site $ 5 days launch Results
  26. Free Marke(ng Public Launch 1 Week 1 Week 2 Flawless

    App Public Launch You can get such results as well ! " 19 sales ! 79 trials # 4865 users on site $ 5 days launch Results Public Launch on Product Hunt Users and Sales Results 2
  27. Free Marke(ng Public Launch: Product Hunt Read Product Hunt Rules

    Prepare text and visual Ask Hunter Submit Product Promote Make launch plan ! " # $ % & Product Hunt Guide: https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/flawlessapp-on-producthunt-7db3e561ce7a
  28. Free Marke(ng 11:30 AM Submitted Flawless App on Product Hunt

    Asked local communities to support us 12:00 - 03:00 PM Asked our users to support us via Email & Twitter 03:00 - 06:00 PM Announced our PH launch in targeted groups 06:00 - 08:00 PM Added Flawless to PH collections 09:00 PM Sent “thank you” notes & answer on questions 10:00 PM - 08:00 AM Public Launch: Flawless App on Product Hunt
  29. Free Marke(ng Flawless App Public Launch: Product Hunt 1 Public

    Launch Public Launch on Product Hunt ! 19 sales " 79 trials # 4865 users on site $ 5 days launch Results % #1 for 24 hours ! 6 sales (2 days) " 97 trials (2 days) # 3.2K users on site & Feedback storm Results 2
  30. Free Marke(ng Direct Sales Linkedin messages Cold Emails Direct messages

    to targeted Twitter followers Sales to competitors’ users
  31. Free Marke(ng Direct Sales Make research Follow ups Build relationship

    Write custom messages Propose to use your product trial I saw, that you use competitor I have read your article on this problem... I saw, that your company does a lot of cool mobile apps
  32. Free Marke(ng Monkey Marke(ng 1 Basic Content Marketing Viral Activities

    2 PR 3 Refferals 4 Free Tools 5 Influencer Marketing 6 Partnerships 7 Help your users 8
  33. Free Marke(ng Monkey Marke(ng: Content Marke(ng Topics research Write article

    Promotion Perks for you 1. Ask to try out product 2. Put Direct link 3. Collect emails
  34. Free Marke(ng Monkey Marke(ng: Content Promo(on 1 Sharing to targeted

    social groups Submit article to the newsletters 2 Republish your content 5 Ask popular experts to share your post 3 Use comment marketing 4
  35. Free Marke(ng Monkey Marke(ng: Viral Ac(vi(es It will be a

    funny game to build the shi>est ever mobile app example: Viral Marketing ! ! " # !
  36. Free Marke(ng Monkey Marke(ng: More PR big press, niche media,

    Twitter news, conferences Influencer Marketing give free product and kindly ask review Referrals promo-codes, beta-invites, perks for recommendations Partnership companies with the same users !"# Free Tools $ Help your users %
  37. Summary 1 Research your potential users Research competitors 2 Write

    down positioning 3 Choose marketing channels 4 Make marketing plan 5 Set up analytics 6 Tell about your awesome product !!! 7 Marketing For Engineers – https://github.com/LisaDziuba/Marketing-for-Engineers